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Taking the plunge....


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Hi everyone, I'm Victoria, a single 47 year old secondary school teacher from Surrey. I've been contemplating a permanent move to Aus for a few years, since my two oldest children both emigrated and are now citizens, in Sydney and Cairns. I'm realising now that time is running out before I'm fifty, and therefore ineligible, so I've started the Skilled Migration visa process. I wanted to go for a parent visa, but it was too expensive. I've hired an agent, as I just couldn't contemplate doing it all myself. Any tips or advice from anyone further along the process, or contact with anyone in the same position as me at this early stage would be very welcome indeed. X

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Hi Pumpkin, and thanks for your response. I score 65 on the points test, despite my age! I really hope it's all a bit more positive than you have both suggested! I guess I will see in time! I haven't parted with any money yet, but am about to.

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Best of luck Victoria67, I hope it all goes to plan for you. I was given glass half empty responses when I first came on here talking about how I wouldn't be successful in getting my visa as I wasn't experienced enough, however it was granted within 10 days of being submitted. I'm sure they just don't want you to get you hopes up only to be disappointed. Please keep us all updated, I'm keeping everything crossed for you. x

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No, he lives in Sydney but we both thought he was eligible to sponsor me. Maybe not then.


I am afraid not then, family sponsors need to live in particular parts of Australia. Where does your other child live?



ETA: Just seen your last post, and sorry, I thought you wanted facts not positive noises. I will leave the thread for the "good lucks" and let you carry on.

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I think both of your posts 'pumpkin' and 'BestyBlue' are very informative and i am sorry if 'Victoria67' does not take on board the information you are trying to impart to her. Wise words for free. I am sure many readers will be grateful for these.

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Wow chill out, people! I never intended to cause a row! I appreciate all the advice I've had and will be contacting my agent this morning up iron out some potential hitches before paying any money. Thanks to all.


Fingers crossed for you Victoria, with a Christian name like yours, it's only right that you should be in Australia


Hopefully your agent will be able to highlight your options and give you some positive constructive advice

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