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Advice on TAFE/high school enrolment please!


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We're landing in Brisbane on 31 October and are hoping to spend a month looking around areas to get a rental property and jobs. Our dilemma is this, and we're not sure where to start! We have a 17 year old son, who didn't do great at his GCSE's but has worked hard at college and resat his basics (English) and done a diploma in media, passed with flying colours. He has a great attitude to his work.


He wants to continue in education for a while yet, and we were thinking he could either do his last 2 years in high school in Oz or do something at a TAFE. However as we wont know where we are staying until the end of November I don't know how to approach the school/college thing. Will we be too late to enrol in Nov/Dec 2014? What do people advise re the highschool orTAFE route (my son is happy with both, and will work hard, but I don't want to put lots of pressure on him at the same time as emigrating and making new friends). Or is it worth picking say 6 areas and approaching the schools/TAFE's directly now whilst we still have a bit of time, even though we can't visit them yet and we don't have an address so may not be in their ctachment zone! It seems like a catch 22 situation...any help or suggestions would be really appreciated. We can't afford private school fees.

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We're on s189 permanent residency visas. He's not sure what he wants to do re study, he's quite interested in history and media but he really just wants to keep his options as wide as possible. I think he may have struggled with A levels here academically, but he would have put the work in and got some grades (C probably to give an idea) - but I worry whether the Oz equivalent last 2 years at school will be tough for him as assume the syllabus will be very different from the UK and he's had a year away from doing the more pressured academic stuff (his media course was more hands on, and he's enjoyed it, but it hasn't challenged him much). Does anyone know when enrollment is in Oz as worried that if we arrive in November and schools will close in Dec/Jan, we may be in limbo. Sorry if this is a bag of problems... it may be I'm worrying over nothing and just need to get there to see what#s what. I just don't want to be too late and for him to have to miss a full year at school. Thanks everyone for advice.

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I'm interested in any replies you get stevio as we will be in the same position next year! My son has done the first year of his Alevels, gets the results in a couple of weeks, but his not very confident. We will be going over on a PR visa as well, so good to hear there is no cost implications.


The only info we have been given is that if Ollie goes over next year he will be too old to go back to high school to do the cert. So Tate would be the only option or getting a job.


We will be looking at the Sunshine Coast area but will go where the work is. It's a scary thought moving with no job, house etc but also very exciting to be starting a fresh.



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I'm interested in any replies you get stevio as we will be in the same position next year! My son has done the first year of his Alevels, gets the results in a couple of weeks, but his not very confident. We will be going over on a PR visa as well, so good to hear there is no cost implications.


The only info we have been given is that if Ollie goes over next year he will be too old to go back to high school to do the cert. So Tate would be the only option or getting a job.


We will be looking at the Sunshine Coast area but will go where the work is. It's a scary thought moving with no job, house etc but also very exciting to be starting a fresh.




Does he not want to finish his a levels? Go to university? If so, moving half way through them seems like a bad idea.

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Hi Pumpkin, yes he does want to finish his Alevels so out plans are to come next year after he has finished them. He is just concerned if he doesn't do well enough to carry on what his options are as he wants to move to OZ. He is looking at Uni there but I'm unsure what financial help he will be offered? Do you have any advice on this? Jx

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We arrived in nov 2012 with kids (10,14,17) I had a look at schools online before I came out, contact 1 school. When we got here I called 3 local high schools and took the kids the following week for interviews. They were accepted for the next term. 17 year old didn't know what to do but decided to go to school and meet friends ( I wasn't focusing on the learning straight away, just wanted him to settle) he attended for 6 months then was offered full time employment and left, however he is doing really well, happy And is still friends with the school kids he met. My 14 year old now 16, goes to tafe as part of the skills programme this might be worth looking at for your son if he decides to go to school to combine school and tafe. I hope this helps.

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