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Moving to Perth as a lone parent?


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Myself, husband & 3 kids moved back to Ireland (having lived in Perth for 4 years) last year and my 2 youngest children, 9 & 11 and I are finding it extremely difficult to settle back here. My eldest 21 didn't like Perth at all and moved back to Ireland a year before we did. My 2 children and I miss Perth very much and I knew the minute we got off the plane here in Dublin that we had made a huge mistake!

We were all settling in so well in Perth until about the last year when things between my husband and I got so bad that I just couldn't live with him and needed to get away, we were constantly arguing and he was always putting me down so I left with the kids and he followed us back 5 months later and we tried to make a fresh start.

Anyway, things are not good between us at all and we have no option but to go our separate ways once and for all. I would really like to take the kids back to Perth as they are missing it so much. I feel very guilty that I took them back to Ireland but I honestly thought I was doing the right thing bringing them back to family etc. but unfortunately they are not happy being here. (we have been back here 15 months now)

So, would just like to hear from anyone else that has emigrated as a single parent and how they are getting on. I know it won't be easy but think my girls would be happier back in Perth. We have Australian citizenship and we will be selling our house here so will have a decent amount of money.

Would be great to hear people's advice and opinions. Thanks.


PS. My husband has said that he will not object to me taking the girls and he knows how unhappy they are here.

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I can't see anything in your situation that screams out 'don't do it'. I can't speak from any experience but I think all you can consider is whether it would be harder to be a single parent in Perth than in Dublin.


What is your support network like in each place?

How does the tax credits/family support etc. add up in both places? I know the child care benefits are better in Australia but we don't qualify for any financial assistance in either country so I can't compare.


Your ex sounds like he is doing the decent thing putting the children first but what provision could you make for them seeing their dad? I think you need to factor that into any financial decisions - they would be old enough to travel as unaccompanied minors which would help (sounds scary to me as a mum of an 11 year old but plenty have done it and I have read reports on here about how fantastic the service is)

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