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Ashfaqur Rahman

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Hello everyone


My wife is an "Electrical Engineer" who is going to apply for NSW sponsorship


she is thinking to claim points on the following criteria


Age: 30

Education: 15 (Oversees Masters degree)

English:10 (IELTS 7)

NSW Sponsorship: 5


Total 60


now i have 2 questions


1. she doesn't have any work experience. So is it possible for her to apply for migration now?? (she met 60 points). Or she needs to have minimum 12 months work experience to apply?


2. She finished her "Bachelors in Engineering" from outside australia. Can she get points for that or not? In the immi.gov.au, they mentioned that australian uni or "recognised standard" to claim 15 points.


your answer is highly appreciated.




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