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Salary Expectations


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I have had a couple of Skype interviews/chats lately and the question of my 'salary expectation' is one that i do not have a good answer for. There are obviously lots of factors cost of living, role scarcity etc.


I have just been offering them my current UK salary/perks, but I am not sure that is all that helpful or wise.


How did you work out your salary expectation? Using the magical 2.2/1 ratio, check out Seek for a similar role, convert with today's exchange rate or just go for the biggest number you could think of?




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I have had a couple of Skype interviews/chats lately and the question of my 'salary expectation' is one that i do not have a good answer for. There are obviously lots of factors cost of living, role scarcity etc.


I have just been offering them my current UK salary/perks, but I am not sure that is all that helpful or wise.


How did you work out your salary expectation? Using the magical 2.2/1 ratio, check out Seek for a similar role, convert with today's exchange rate or just go for the biggest number you could think of?






Do market research on salary levels.


Regarding the other options:

- the 2.2/1 ratio is a decent indication of how far your money might go, but it might not reflect typical salary rates in your industry.

- todays exchange rate is utterly meaningless as a comparison

- biggest number also meaningless.

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There is no easy conversion I'm afraid, they are many variables to consider. It's really difficult to make comparisons to the UK, I'd be of the opinion that giving your current salary wouldn't be that helpful.


I'd suggest Seek, search online for salary surveys, if possible speak to recruiters although getting anything out if them could be a challenge if it doesn't benefit them!!

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Why not get away from playing your hand with a figure. I put it this way "my expectation is to be in the upper quartile of recent market comparative markings"

Their he will have this data


You can evaluate when figure is received.

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The salary expectation question in my experience, is often used (especially in the current tight job market here in Adelaide) as a way to filter out applicants as part of an initial phone screening process. So in general terms, you need to be around the figure they are looking for, unless you have a skill/experience that they are struggling to get, then obviously there is more scope for negotiations.


I have worked on projects in the recruiting team where there can be a $20k variation on what the employer is willing to pay. One of my friends who recruits has phone screened several candidates from the mining sector and because of the downturn they are out of work. My friend works in a different sector, but when the candidates are asked the salary question they are still asking for a mining salary not a 'real world' salary and their application goes no further.

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The salary expectation question in my experience, is often used (especially in the current tight job market here in Adelaide) as a way to filter out applicants as part of an initial phone screening process. So in general terms, you need to be around the figure they are looking for, unless you have a skill/experience that they are struggling to get, then obviously there is more scope for negotiations.



Fair enough but why dont they just put the salary in the advert.. makes it so much easier for everyone, you dont have to waste your time applying for a job that pays less than your current one.. they dont get loads of applications from people who wont be interested once they reveal the salary... I find it really odd when they dont advertise the salary

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Fair enough but why dont they just put the salary in the advert.. makes it so much easier for everyone, you dont have to waste your time applying for a job that pays less than your current one.. they dont get loads of applications from people who wont be interested once they reveal the salary... I find it really odd when they dont advertise the salary



Then you get applications from people who are not necessarily interested in your company or position. It might be of some interest but just pays what they are looking for.

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  • 1 month later...

Bump from the past as an update and another query :)


Ok we have both been offered jobs, but my girlfriend inst happy with the salary offered. Mainly as it it a bit below the average we have seen, any sites that show average pay per roll?


We think they have taken her current wage, which she had wrong by some margin, and multiplied by the current exchange rate. Do you think they would entertain a conversation about salary? The only time it was mentioned was when asking what she earned in the UK.


Any thoughts appreciated.



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