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Journey and Jetlag with a 16month old - EEK!


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We are heading out to Cairns next week for three reasons, for the little one to meet his Aussie Grandparents, to go to my sister-in-law's wedding and to do our final reccie to decide whether we're going to aim for a move to Cairns Sept 2015. We've gone for a much longer journey time (42hours door to door) to save ourselves £1000 so looking for any advice as to traveling with and entertaining such a little one. He's a pretty chilled out boy normally so we're hoping we all arrive with our sanity intacted. Also any tips for helping him with jetlag would be appreciated.child

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Don't think there is anything to be done about jet lag tbh. Not with a small person. They will get tired, probably grumpy, conk out when they have had enough and take a few days to week or so to adjust to their new timezone. Waking in the middle of the night once in AUS is not uncommon. I personally favour getting there in as quick a time as possible rather than dragging out waits at airports or a transit hotel. We like to break the flight up with a few hours at Changi but other than that, head through as quick as possible.


Entertaining wise, it's a tricky age as they like to be moving round, exploring and so on. Sitting still for extends periods of time is not for most toddlers. I'd be prepared to take it in turns, expect little sleep if child is sleeping on you (not sure if at that age you'll get a cot if younger bubs on the same flight) and to spend a lot of time following the little person up and down the plane :)


What time flight are you heading out on? If it's a night flight get little one into PJ's before you take off, give them their sleep signals like you would at home and hope they fall off to sleep pretty quick. Don't let them sleep in their clothes at night if you can help it as I think the familiar routines help them settle better on planes. We used the baby sleeping bag and it worked well.

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We went from Manchester to Brisbane, with changes at London and an hour or 2 in Dubai with our 10 month old. We had a seat booked for her so had a row to ourselves. I took plenty of toys and snacks. Me and my partner sat at opposite ends so she could stand in the footwell and I put my feet up so she had a small space to wander up and down. Other passengers were lovely and talked to her as she to is chilled so out of the whole 26+ hours in the air we had one over tired breakdown!! As far as jet lag, she was fine like the previous comment on the flight she just slept when she wanted so didn't have trouble adjusting when we arrived. I was also breastfeeding so that was a life saver. Oh and prepare for no sleep on the flight!! We survived I'm sure you'll be fine!!x

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You'll be fine - I've travelled with toddlers several times, most recently grand kids. DGD 1 was good with the little recliner seat they had on the 777 and slept quite well in a Qantas bassinette but she was petite at 18/12. DGD 2 - different kettle of fish, didn't like the bassinettes on offer (12/12) and her parents carried her across Asia (Ergo baby sling comes highly recommended) in shifts but she was happy as a lark and fast asleep most of the way. Parents were a tad knackered.


When I've travelled with mine (in the days when journeys were loooong), usually on my own, I always travelled as light as possible, always took a sling, had a rule that if the baby slept we all slept, regardless. Only jet lag trouble I ever had was with DS2 at 12 wks (yes, I was mad) and he took a good week to get into a better day/night routine but otherwise, slightly older and toddler, no problems.

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