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On our way!


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Hello everyone!


We are on our way to Brisbane at the end of October! 'We' is me and my two children (16 and 2). We're hoping to start a new life and make new friends. If there is anyone who would like to meet up or keep in touch we'd love to hear from you. We're looking at areas to rent at the moment as well as places to stay when we first arrive and it would be lovely to meet up with anyone, especially if you have children who can keep mine company and answer our questions whilst we settle in. If anyone can recommend an area which has a decent high school or a college for my 16 year old it would be appreciated. He's just resat his English GCSE at college here whilst doing a Media diploma, so we're unsure whether high school or college would be better for him in Oz and want to keep his options open as much as possible, whilst avoiding anything fee paying (he will be 17 when he arrives and we're on a permanent residency visa). Many thanks!

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We move to Brisbane at the end of August with our son, who will be 17 in September and going into Year 11 there in January. We're looking more at private education as it's cheaper than the UK and only for two years so have looked at Canterbury College and Ormiston College, which is my favourite. The State schools in the Ormiston area don't look too bad either.


Where are you staying when you first arrive? We got a holiday let in Coomera, for 3 weeks and hope to secure a school place and a rental before it runs out :-)


Whereabouts in the UK are you?



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Hi Tina,


Sorry for delay and thanks for your response. We were thinking of staying on a holiday park for a few weeks then looking around from there at houses and areas. Roughly how much are the private school fees if you don't mind me being nosey. I hadn't given it a thought as assumed they would be expensive but may be an option. Do you know if schools require you to enrol a long time in advance, or whether we would be ok doing it in November/December? We live near Manchester - heatwave here at the moment!! you?

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Not so sure for the state system, but the private ones I've looked at are about $12000 a year; much more reasonable than the UK!!


I've been in contact with Ormiston for a couple of months now and have agreed that I won't pay any registration fee or anything until I arrive and see the place. Then, if they like him and he likes them, my son can start in the October!!!


We're in Reading at the moment (only 5 more weeks!) and it's mega hot!!!



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