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Any opinions would be great....


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Hello all.


Ok so I did post this on the main site but didn't get any response....


I'm considering moving to Hervey Bay. And wanted to hear from people who have been there or lived there?


Have any of you guys?? Just looking for opinions on the place.


I am not worried about it being a 'sleepy' town full of old folk ;)

The place itself it fine. Looks lovely and plenty that I like to do.


Its the people that I am concerned about? What are they like?


I have heard it is full of unemployed bogans (that isn't be judging, just things I have read)

Maybe they are friendly bogans... It wouldn't bother me.


I have had a pretty hellish time since moving to Aus with bullying and I am giving this country one more try before I give up.....

I am just worried that wherever I move I am going to be a target for bullying.


Thank you

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Sorry, no experience at all


If you haven't seen it already you might find this useful Hervey Bay


Have you visited? If not then you really must, pick out some likely suburbs and do the public transport and supermarket tests.


I have to be honest and say I don't think it would be for me - the main industry seems to be tourism so there will be a lot of transient population and if there isn't much employment those with get up and go will have got up and gone.


What is it that appeals to you? I suspect it will be more 'Australian' (whatever that means) than the major cities and because of that I would think fitting in would be harder (just my opinion).

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Sorry, can't help with HB but I suspect LR is right - less anonymity and more need to be "Australian". Sadly, bullying is endemic in Australia and bullies are usually pretty good at target selection so if you show that you are vulnerable they will pounce. I found workplace bullying to be growing at an alarming rate during my last few years in Aus! I hope you can find somewhere that meets your needs!

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I haven't been but have a friend who lives there and she is a beautiful, gentle soul and she loves it. However she is part of a home-schooling community so I think she is not your standard resident. I also agree with LR that the cities are less 'bogan" (for want of a better word) than small towns where people all went to school together and haven't moved on. That's a gross generalisation of course and I'm hesitant to get into those.


I have not experienced bullying or "cold" Australians in my time here, though like Quoll I have started hearing more about workplace bullying in this last year which is a worry. I think I am remembering rightly that your little one has special needs? It might be a good idea to join a forum for people in a similar situation, you might find that once you have a community (even online) you feel more confident about making friends in the real world. They may be able to tell you which states have the best resources too.


I'm so sorry you have been bullied here and had such an awful time, it is so damaging to your spirit. I hope happiness is just around the corner, whatever you decide.

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I haven't been but have a friend who lives there and she is a beautiful, gentle soul and she loves it. However she is part of a home-schooling community so I think she is not your standard resident. I also agree with LR that the cities are less 'bogan" (for want of a better word) than small towns where people all went to school together and haven't moved on. That's a gross generalisation of course and I'm hesitant to get into those.


I have not experienced bullying or "cold" Australians in my time here, though like Quoll I have started hearing more about workplace bullying in this last year which is a worry. I think I am remembering rightly that your little one has special needs? It might be a good idea to join a forum for people in a similar situation, you might find that once you have a community (even online) you feel more confident about making friends in the real world. They may be able to tell you which states have the best resources too.


I'm so sorry you have been bullied here and had such an awful time, it is so damaging to your spirit. I hope happiness is just around the corner, whatever you decide.



Thank you Aunt A.... you have helped a lot. I will actually be homeschooling my child when I move also.

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You're welcome. Definitely get online and check out homeschooling groups, in my experience they are not the bullying kind!

Hmm, my granddaughters are home schooled - unfortunately. My daughter in law is quite happy but from the outside it appears to me that the group (their local, admittedly) is pretty cult like where subtle pressures are brought to bear - certainly not a group that I would feel comfortable in and I'm not liking the outcome for the granddaughter very much. There are a powerful few whose word is law from all accounts and as long as you toe the party line you are fine.

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That's a shame Quoll. I can only speak from my experience of my friend's community and they are all very nice. A couple of hard line "unschoolers" in the mix but they seem not to force their opinions down anyone's throat. There's good and bad in any group of course so my suggestion that they aren't the bullying kind is too general.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I work with someone who home schools. She works full time and I made the mistake of asking how she manages home schooling with work. We don't get on and I think of her as a bully rather than the gentle alternative type.

Back to the OP, I've often wondered whether a country town would give me and my family a better happier life but I've come to the conclusion that it wouldn't work unless there was a good reason to move there such as a job or a partner. Country towns often look lovely but I never considered them female friendly and there's a stigma here about being a single mother.

Personally, I've stuck with the city because of the greater diversity and the wider range of facilities and support services for my autistic son. As your child grows up I think that she might need the company of her peers. My son has no speech but loves socialising in his day centre and that gives me the opportunity to get out of the house or go to work.

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That's a shame Quoll. I can only speak from my experience of my friend's community and they are all very nice. A couple of hard line "unschoolers" in the mix but they seem not to force their opinions down anyone's throat. There's good and bad in any group of course so my suggestion that they aren't the bullying kind is too general.

The Unschoolers are the ones I meant! That's why I'm worried for my granddaughters!

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