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Climate change report


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Few points :-


It's not carbon, it's CO2. The stuff plants need to survive.

The amount we have in the atmosphere has been at hugely greater quantities. It's actually suggested that the coming out of an ice age (where CO2 levels follow the temperature, not the other way round) provided the conditions for the Cambrian explosion in life on the planet (more plants, more animals).


Burning carbon creates more CO2 I believe. In the Cambrian period conditions on land were largely too hostile to support life except on the fringes of the oceans. The explosion in life was largely undersea. Not ideal for humans and most of the species that inhabit the earth today. Agree that certain species will do well, perhaps Abbot is really a reptile in disguise.:laugh:

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Well this is what happens when you take a head in the sand approach. Interesting article, for years the power companies have continues to throw money at infastructure expecting huge returns as they continue to increase the price of electricity, but people power is fighting back, you can only push people so far and then human nature is, they react.

Reducing the returns for feeding into the grid, was another thing the power companies thought would work, not so, now people are looking at increasing there solar panels and going off the grid completely. Yes there will always be some who cant sadly afford to install solar, but as the power companies continue to up costs to try to recover more of there investment, more people will look for ways to afford solar. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-07-09/solar-panels-leads-to-less-demand-for-electricity/5586036




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I was reading about the heatwave in England.

Oh well it is the middle of Summer I thought.


20C in London is considered hot. What a shocking summer they get over there.


Yes but looking on the bright side (no pun intended) their summers are only short, so do not have long to suffer.

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