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Hey, I have got the grand letter for Adelaide as HR Advisor


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As a HR Advisor, I applied in April 2013. Today my agent told me to be ready for fly to Adelaide. May be after 3 months I will fly.


Now I need advise for accommodation & Jobs....


Anybody here to help me out.

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Dear Berry:


Thanks for your reply. For your kind information, I have never visited Adelaide before and I am coming with my family(with spouse & 10yrs old daughter). If you have any advice, plz share.

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Certainly in Adelaide, Nov/Dec/Jan are generally the hardest months to find work as this is leading up to the Christmas holiday period/school summer holiday period and a general 'shut down' as many people are taking time off. As you are arriving in November I would make sure you have sufficient funds to cover you into the New Year.


The HR job market within Adelaide can be difficult to get into and there is a lot of competition for the roles. South Australia now has the highest unemployment in Australia, so there are plenty of people looking for work.


As with everything, there are exceptions and in Adelaide, it can be a case of being in the right place, at the right time and with the right skill set and people get their lucky break, for others it can take several months to secure work.

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Certainly in Adelaide, Nov/Dec/Jan are generally the hardest months to find work as this is leading up to the Christmas holiday period/school summer holiday period and a general 'shut down' as many people are taking time off. As you are arriving in November I would make sure you have sufficient funds to cover you into the New Year.


The HR job market within Adelaide can be difficult to get into and there is a lot of competition for the roles. South Australia now has the highest unemployment in Australia, so there are plenty of people looking for work.


As with everything, there are exceptions and in Adelaide, it can be a case of being in the right place, at the right time and with the right skill set and people get their lucky break, for others it can take several months to secure work.


Dear Berry:


Thanks for giving me the practical scenario of Adelaide. According to situation, I can have two options, 1. arrange 04 months funds (plz recommend an amount/month for 3 persons), 2. change my arrival date to end of January. But, let assume that both are not possible for me, then is it possible to start with any other occupation?

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There is no point in asking a stranger on the internet if you will get a job or not, in any area. How do you think that anyone can predict the future for you? The jobs market is not great in general at the moment as you have been advised, if you read local news online you will be aware. Some migrants find a job quickly, some wait several months, many return home having been unable to find work. There are many individual factors to take into account. In any case November is obviously a bad time to look for any job, as is December.

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There is no point in asking a stranger on the internet if you will get a job or not, in any area. How do you think that anyone can predict the future for you? The jobs market is not great in general at the moment as you have been advised, if you read local news online you will be aware. Some migrants find a job quickly, some wait several months, many return home having been unable to find work. There are many individual factors to take into account. In any case November is obviously a bad time to look for any job, as is December.


Dear eljay: I agree that it is tough to say anything about getting job specifically , but my question was to know whether the bad time is only for HR profession or it is in-general. And it is also true that we all are stranger to each other and that's why we are blogging to get our views. Anyway, thanks for your valuable input- it helps me a lot.


If anything left in your mind please let me know. As a upcoming-entrant anything can help me....

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Can't speak for Adelaide, but I know that HR positions in Brisbane are highly sought after - Lots of HR grads flooding the market, and local experience highly valued. I would work on the assumption that nothing is going to happen job wise in December and January. Australia closes down in Jan, particularly govt and getting anyone to agree to appointments is a nightmare. Xmas jobs in shops are advertised and filled way before Dec, so even temporary work will be hard to find. Jan/Feb extremely hard to find a rental. I think the job market in Oz is getting increasingly tighter (as opposed to growing in the UK). I'd say to anyone coming out here without work, bring enough cash to support yourself for 3-6 months.

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