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Have any nurses been granted permanent residency by anmac without being registered with ahpra?

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I hope someone can help me. I have just been refused my registration by ahpra (because I only have a dip he in mental health and not a degree) and I was wondering if anyone has applied and been granted their permanent residency before they have been registered with ahpra. I'm running out of options and I really want to stay in oz and I feel this is the only avenue I can go down. I am going to top my nursing up to degree level but this could take a while and I could really do with getting my residency as soon as possible.


Im currently doing support work in Adelaide and does anyone know if this would help towards getting residency (I cover aged care, disability care and mental health care in their own homes and out in the community). I doubt it will help but I thought I'd ask as I haven't a clue about it.


I hope old someone can help me!! Thanks in advance



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I hope someone can help me. I have just been refused my registration by ahpra (because I only have a dip he in mental health and not a degree) and I was wondering if anyone has applied and been granted their permanent residency before they have been registered with ahpra. I'm running out of options and I really want to stay in oz and I feel this is the only avenue I can go down. I am going to top my nursing up to degree level but this could take a while and I could really do with getting my residency as soon as possible.


Im currently doing support work in Adelaide and does anyone know if this would help towards getting residency (I cover aged care, disability care and mental health care in their own homes and out in the community). I doubt it will help but I thought I'd ask as I haven't a clue about it.


I hope old someone can help me!! Thanks in advance




Hi, I lodged my 189 pr visa at the beginning of June. I haven't applied to ahpra yet as I was waiting for the backlog to clear and to see what outcomes people were getting. It's not looking very positive so I am expecting to have to do the bridging course. I am just hoping that the immigration dept don't put a hold on nurses visas whilst this ahpra fiasco is going on!! So a bit nervous as to what the next few months may bring. I'm lucky in that my husband actually has a job transfer with his company and is probably go out ahead next month to start. We are applying throug me as a nurse as his job, project manager, wasn't on the skills list!! However with 5 kids to support I do need to work & bring in extra money and also I love my job as a neonatal nurse and have worked very hard over the last 15 years to become as experienced as I am now, I couldn't bear to think of not being able to do my job anymore :(

and to think this time last year we would have been registered no problem, I just can't believe it!! I hope you get everything sorted out! I'll keep you updated on the visa front, Nat x

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Thanks nat.


I was was just hoping I would still be able to get my pr then I would do this bridging course once I knew I could stay here. It may be a waste of money but I'm going to give it a go anyway and see what happens. I'm sure I've read on here somwhere that people have been granted their pr before their Ahpra came through.

I know I can't believe that this wouldn't have been an issue this time last year. Surely they have to change it....3 years worth of training can't count for absolutely nothing in another country??? It's just wrong.

Im sure you'll be fine just keep us posted and best of luck...I hope you get everything sorted

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If you ask ANMAC for advice on what your education level will be they will advise whether you can pass their accreditation.they are the aus nurse and midwifery accreditation council. This helps towards your visa for PR. I hope i got your facts correct.i got that, then visa and only applied for AHPRA after that-dammit.now i am jumping thru their hoops to get registered. Its crazy how i can get PR cos of my nursing and don't even HAVE work in that field when i arrive....

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i was thinking about ringing up and getting some advice about it because I was on anmacs website last night and there appears to be no changes made to their assessment standards which should mean that they are still accepting uk diplomas. I know it's crazy, That's why I'm thinking that anmac are gonna quickly follow ahpra and change their guidelines to fall in line with theirs......or best case scenario, ahpra have to change theirs back!!!

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Guest NuriootpaSA

The ANMAC Information to Applicants document which is included with the Letter of Determination (LOD) sent to all applicants with a suitable outcome for their Full Assessment. This information sheet states that registration may not automatically be granted following an ANMAC assessment.

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I hope someone can help me. I have just been refused my registration by ahpra (because I only have a dip he in mental health and not a degree) and I was wondering if anyone has applied and been granted their permanent residency before they have been registered with ahpra. I'm running out of options and I really want to stay in oz and I feel this is the only avenue I can go down. I am going to top my nursing up to degree level but this could take a while and I could really do with getting my residency as soon as possible.


Im currently doing support work in Adelaide and does anyone know if this would help towards getting residency (I cover aged care, disability care and mental health care in their own homes and out in the community). I doubt it will help but I thought I'd ask as I haven't a clue about it.


I hope old someone can help me!! Thanks in advance



Hi Claire,

I'm on a state sponsored 190 PR Visa, granted Nov 2013. I've been living in Melbourne since March. No-one was interested whether I was registered or not.

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I'm waiting for my anmac now, I sent it off last month, and am then going to be applying for my permanent residency. I haven't applied to ahpra yet..I am just really hoping what with all this ahpra nonsense they don't change the criteria too!! Nervous times! I'll watch your posts with interest. X

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Hi Nursebucko, do you have the degree or diploma? I'm expecting my anmac back any day now, was going to go straight for visa afterwards but now wondering if I should be trying ahpra first just incase! Panicking about not getting registered after forking out for the visa!!

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I'm in similar boat when my anmac comes back, I'm currently just diploma trained but have been looking at topping up now! See if that increases chances!

I think I am going to go ahead and apply for visa anyway as I am determined to find a way to work over there, even if I have to do bridging course or retrain or something. Once my visa app has gone through ill start the dreaded ahpra and hope that some if it may be sorted and smoother by then! Eek ,

how long did it take for anmac to email you to say that they received your docs? I still don't have that yet?

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Hi nursebucko, anmac didn't send me an email initially telling me they had recieved my documents, I emailed them when I read on here someone had sent theirs the same day as I did and they had received confirmation of reciept !! They apologised and sent out the email the same day, so if times getting on just email them, but I'm sure they'll have it, took about 10 days ish for mine to get there. They received it on the 24th of April and I recieved email of final review on the 30th of June, it said it takes 1 to 10 days to recieve email with final decision it maybe longer in busy periods! I'm getting used to all the waiting now! Although this is nothing compared to the wait im in for for ahpra!!!!

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