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Going back after 8 years


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Just hope people aren't being misled that UK is cheaper than Australia when in my experience it isn't. And Im not being biased cause Australia is getting more expensive too, but really you do have to consider that you could be worse off financially moving back.

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We have lived in Australia for 7 years. We recently visited the UK for a holiday and while we were over there, visited 2 sets of friends who had lived in Australia and returned to the UK to be with family. It was interesting listening to their experiences and both sets of friends said the reality of returning had not lived up to their expectations.


It's rose tinted glasses, as people often forget what made them emigrate in the first place. To return somewhere and not find it the same place as you remember is quite unnerving.

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stay put in oz

we've been back in uk for 2 years after 5 years in oz

biggest mistake we've ever made …but will return to oz as soon as poss

Why did you move back, might me a mistake for you but moving back for many is the best think they have ever done.

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Surely no one is stuck anywhere? ( i have no experience of this situation)


If your DF knew you felt like this im sure he would move back to the UK in a flash...I know it would if it was my wife.


Lifes way too short to be unhappy and this isnt a rehersal, its the real thing, cant do things differently next time as there isnt a next time.



The financial requirement for me to move back with my Aus fiance means we are not in a position to do it for at least another few years, if that. My fiance and I have talked about moving back - he wants to as well.


I really really hope that we can make it possible in the future though, because as you rightly say, life is too short to be unhappy

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The financial requirement for me to move back with my Aus fiance means we are not in a position to do it for at least another few years, if that. My fiance and I have talked about moving back - he wants to as well.


I really really hope that we can make it possible in the future though, because as you rightly say, life is too short to be unhappy

Hugs for you it's not a good place to be is it.
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it is a beautiful place and I realise I am lucky to live here, it's just not where my heart is.?


Exactly how I am.


People automatically think that if you want to move back home that you dont like Australia, its not that at all, its just that you miss home. Simple.


For me it was a dream to move here, and we chased and it achieved it, but maybe its best being just that... a dream!

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