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Skilled Occupation List


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Hi all

I have been browsing the migrant agent websites and seeing what I can squeeze out of them for free and have noticed alot of them are stating actual point allocations for the occupations on the Skilled Occupation list, for instance my occupation after being assessed by AIM according to the migrant agents gives me 60 points, as long as i am under 45, yet if i do the points score on immigration I only hit 45!!


Does anyone know how they can advertise this and how true it really is???


Thanks in advance



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The sites that gave you that information are years out of date. Since then, the points test and the whole skilled immigration visa process have undergone dramatic changes. Among many other changes, you no longer get points for an occupation and nor do you get any points for basic English skills.

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The sites that gave you that information are years out of date. Since then, the points test and the whole skilled immigration visa process have undergone dramatic changes. Among many other changes, you no longer get points for an occupation and nor do you get any points for basic English skills.


Thanks rather scary as the first agent i came to gave that info think i will stick to going it alone :wacko:

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You should probably get at least an initial consultation with an agent to make sure you have no misconceptions arising from your earlier investigations. You can't go wrong with any of the agents who regularly post on here. wrussell, Go Matilda (Alan Collett), George Lombard, Raul Senise (ABA) all know their stuff and come highly recommended.

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You should probably get at least an initial consultation with an agent to make sure you have no misconceptions arising from your earlier investigations. You can't go wrong with any of the agents who regularly post on here. wrussell, Go Matilda (Alan Collett), George Lombard, Raul Senise (ABA) all know their stuff and come highly recommended.


I will be seeking advice initially with an agent that is only because there are, I believe over 130 different Visa's out there, which is probably about 125 more than the list we had when we emigrated to New Zealand (and you got 5 points for English as native tongue) I know the system is ageist, so need to see whether we can drag our 45 points to 60 (us being so decrepit at the ripe old age of 44) so partner will undoubtedly have to do a test to prove she does speak the Queens English and it is just me that ignores her requests, and she is not speaking in ancient Viking dialect!! (wonder if you fail for calling a thong a flip flop):rolleyes: . We may have to live in hope of a Health Board opening itself to a nomination visa 186

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If you are 44 it's going to be tough for you, when you hit 45 you will get zero points for age, and usually it's pretty tough to make up 60 points from then on, but it's not impossible. Also, my understanding is that if you put your expression of interest in and you turn 45 once it's in, your points will drop accordingly.


As a native English (ok...Scottish) speaker, I did the IELTS test for points, leaving many non-native speakers baffled as to why I was sitting the IELTS test...I have to confess I felt as if I was cheating the system. It nearly bit me on the ass when I got too carried away with one of the questions and created a wonderful rambling tale of a one legged pirate committing a crime I had witnessed! ;)


Regarding the migration agents, if they are registered agents then legally they should not give you incorrect advice, but let's face it some unscrupulous types may do so to drum up more work. Just make sure you do your own calculations (as you are doing), and if you are going with an agent, find a good one.


The fact sheet shared by Adonna is just what you need to make the calculations yourself.


Best of luck!

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If you are 44 it's going to be tough for you, when you hit 45 you will get zero points for age, and usually it's pretty tough to make up 60 points from then on, but it's not impossible. Also, my understanding is that if you put your expression of interest in and you turn 45 once it's in, your points will drop accordingly.


As a native English (ok...Scottish) speaker, I did the IELTS test for points, leaving many non-native speakers baffled as to why I was sitting the IELTS test...I have to confess I felt as if I was cheating the system. It nearly bit me on the ass when I got too carried away with one of the questions and created a wonderful rambling tale of a one legged pirate committing a crime I had witnessed! ;)


Regarding the migration agents, if they are registered agents then legally they should not give you incorrect advice, but let's face it some unscrupulous types may do so to drum up more work. Just make sure you do your own calculations (as you are doing), and if you are going with an agent, find a good one.


The fact sheet shared by Adonna is just what you need to make the calculations yourself.


Best of luck!


I know I am just about to get my Zimmer frame out of the cupboard!!!


We would need to do the superior IELTS test and i don't know how difficult that is which did you do? I am thinking of just waiting and getting NZ citizenship then walking over so to speak


I will find Adonna fact sheet had have a browse thanks



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Lol, indeed, thrown on the trash heap at 45...cruel bastards!


So, I know there is IELTS Academic, but i don't think that gives you any more points, it's just a requirement for some occupations.


IELTS with scores of will give you 10 points, IELTS with score of will give you 20 points. I got all 8.5 and above...no bonus points for that, but the ability to puff out my chest! Well, I was actually a bit miffed not to get a perfect score...but hey. :)


Lol to NZ citizenship and walking over. I don't know much about the rules for "Kiwis" coming to Australia, but from memory you are allowed to come here & work.


You can check it out at this page:


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Lol, indeed, thrown on the trash heap at 45...cruel bastards!


So, I know there is IELTS Academic, but i don't think that gives you any more points, it's just a requirement for some occupations.


IELTS with scores of will give you 10 points, IELTS with score of will give you 20 points. I got all 8.5 and above...no bonus points for that, but the ability to puff out my chest! Well, I was actually a bit miffed not to get a perfect score...but hey. :)


Lol to NZ citizenship and walking over. I don't know much about the rules for "Kiwis" coming to Australia, but from memory you are allowed to come here & work.


You can check it out at this page:



Ha Ha well if a Scot can get 8.5 then a Manc is laffin :tongue: to be fair though I would be puffing my chest at 8!! so well done you


With regards NZ citizens yes they can walk over and work but get no government help if it goes belly up, but we are NZ Residents so unlike our OZ Permanent Residents brothers and sisters who automatically get a NZ PR stamp when they land at Auckland, we are not allowed to just walk in.

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I know, the irony is that I am wondering if I would prefer NZ to AU, so I am delighted at the current setup!


How you finding NZ? All the backpackers I spoke to said it was amazing, but I know plenty of Kiwis flee over here for work & better pay.


Oh, and good luck getting the 8, as a native speaker you should be fine, although if the examiner is an Aussie I wonder how they will cope with a Mancunian accent?! :)

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I know, the irony is that I am wondering if I would prefer NZ to AU, so I am delighted at the current setup!


How you finding NZ? All the backpackers I spoke to said it was amazing, but I know plenty of Kiwis flee over here for work & better pay.


Oh, and good luck getting the 8, as a native speaker you should be fine, although if the examiner is an Aussie I wonder how they will cope with a Mancunian accent?! :)


Ha Ha it will be the wife taking it I am a Brummie so got no chance of passing!!


New Zealand is a beautiful country, but for me to find jobs in my occupation (Warehouse Management) i would have to move to Auckland and pay the premium for living in the city but getting no more wages to help pay for it, so I can live outside a city in AU earn more than i ever could in Auckland, and pay around the same for property if not a bit less.


Its a no brainer for me but will still be holidaying over here every chance I get.

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Well done ChrisPeck on the 8's. I've known many people to struggle getting 8 with the writing element in particular a nuisance. I will be taking my test in July, but will be revising because of my westcountry twang!


Thanks benj. I have to admit I didn't have any preconceptions about it being tough, perhaps if I had known that I might have worried and failed to get 8! :)


Regarding accents, i took my test in Edinburgh, and I wondered, presumably you can sit the test in the west country where you accent is not even noticed, or are there no local IELTS examiners?


Best of luck with your test, once you get to Australia I am going to guess the locals will love your accent! :)

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Thanks benj. I have to admit I didn't have any preconceptions about it being tough, perhaps if I had known that I might have worried and failed to get 8! :)


Regarding accents, i took my test in Edinburgh, and I wondered, presumably you can sit the test in the west country where you accent is not even noticed, or are there no local IELTS examiners?


Best of luck with your test, once you get to Australia I am going to guess the locals will love your accent! :)


OH has to take hers in Auckland with a Bolton accent we are doomed lol oh have either of you guys got sites we can use to revise as in NZ everything has a price on it and already paying ridiculous amount for the test



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