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Arriving in Melbourne next week for Visa activation


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So my wife and 3 yr old daughter will be arriving on Thursday in "Melbs" to activate our 189 visa and to enjoy a 6 day reccie.

We're keen to get a flavour for South Frankston as it seems to tick a lot of boxes including affordability.


The only downer is we're arriving when the weather isn't going to be so pleasant. Any advice what clothes we should bring at this time of year?

Also, what outdoor activities can we get away with this time of year in Melbourne?


Excited and nervous, as this will likely determine whether we really make the move from Switzerland.

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Yesterday was the last day of spring.


We went (from frankston area) to the city.


We walked down streets in south yarra at 9:30 pm with trousers, shirt and a light jumper. It was pleasantly mild.


Three days ago was 6 degrees at 7:30 am. That was the coldest we have had this year.


It may get down to 4 or so in the city and 2 in frankston. Not any colder.


Layers, thin layers.


Hire a car. Public transport and a 6 day recci don't go hand in hand. You will waste too much time sitting at train stations, tram and bus stops.





Things to do? You only have 6 days!


Go to parks and walk around areas you might like. That's what you will end up doing a lot of with young kids. You can do anything you would on any other day. Spend a day in each potential living area??? The city can wait. It's not going anywhere.


Walk past schools in the area during school days to gauge their 'vibe'. Walk around them in the evening when everyone has gone home.


You will end up having to commit to an area in the hectic time of immigration. Try to draw up a short list in the short time you have.


What do you want? Hills, oceans, bays?

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Thanks for your advice, particularly your suggestion about leaving the city till later. Makes a lot of sense given our time constraints.

I note you're in Somerville, an area I'm also curious about. Is it practical to live where you live and work in Melbourne?


Many thanks

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I work about 25 north of Somerville, it takes me 22 minutes using the normal car and 25 minutes using the old donkey taking peninsula link. The oh works local.


A trip into Melbourne for us is a big deal from here. Lots of people do it though. Drive to frankston then take the train to Melbourne. Or country train from Somerville to frankston then change to city train. Either way takes about 15-20 minutes to frankston then an hour to the city.


If you end up working in Mulgrave it is easy. The city is difficult. Carlton, bloody hard and Western suburbs, almost impossible. But my opinions mightn't match others.


We moved here for the country feel, the ocean beaches, the bay beaches and to be close but not in the sprawl that is Melbourne.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Spangley, I'm really interested to hear what you thought of your reccie. We are moving to melbourne later in the year and I have also identified south frankston as a possible area for us (we have two children aged 3 and 5) and it is likely that my hubbie will be working in Central Melbourne as presumably many of the financial services based there. Are you also in that field or is that rather presumptive of me seeing you are Switzerland based? I would also love to hear what you made of the weather at this time of year and you read such mixed reviews and opinions. Thanks very much Annette

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