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Travelling to Perth on June 12th, any advice please?!


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Hi all,


I'm 28 years old and have finally decided to leave the UK (alone!) on a WHV for a new adventure Down Under. I arrive in Perth on 14th June and have booked a week in a hostel to start off with. I'll be looking for work straight away. Any advice on job hunting and general Perth life would be much appreciated! Is it hard to find work there? What would be the best/cheapest option for accommodation after this first week?


Thanks in advance :cute:

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It's not as easy as it was to find work...but if your flexible in your outlook you should be ok.


what kind of work are you looking for/hoping to get?


Are you just planning on staying the year? If you want to extend it to the two year, do you want to do your regional work first and get it out of the way.


if you look in the jobs/vacancies section of this forum there does seem to be a lot of WHV work posted.

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It's not as easy as it was to find work...but if your flexible in your outlook you should be ok.


what kind of work are you looking for/hoping to get?


Are you just planning on staying the year? If you want to extend it to the two year, do you want to do your regional work first and get it out of the way.


if you look in the jobs/vacancies section of this forum there does seem to be a lot of WHV work posted.


Thanks for your reply. I'm not sure if I want to stay just a year or more, was just going to take it as it comes. Does the 6 months regional work need to be done at once, in the same place, or can it be split into two 3 month periods, for example?


I'd quite like to be in Sydney for New Year but again, this isn't definite.

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Quite interesting, I'm arriving into Perth on the 19th June with kind of the same plan. I'm going to try and get the regional work done as early on as I can.


Which hostel are you staying in for the first week?

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There are some decent hostels around Northbridge and more in Fremantle. My nephews stayed in Freo when they were travelling and liked it. There are a couple more at Cottesloe that I've passed that look OK. Worth thinking about if you want to be nearer the beach rather than in the City. June wouldn't be great weather though, so maybe the City or Freo would be better.


Don't know anywhere that would be cheaper than the hostels.


Have a look at notice boards in shopping centres and in the hostels themselves for jobs. Ask around the other travellers and in pubs and shops. A bit of experience behind a bar is good to have but I lied to get a job behind a bar and just picked it up as I went along. It's not that hard and people are generally pretty helpful, specially other travellers.

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I actually forgot about doing the RSA online (I'd read it elsewhere too), I'll look into doing it on one of the lull days before I leave. I guess it's one less thing to worry about.


I know that I'm booked into a hostel in the city for the first week, although looking at the weather for the winter down there it's still better than how we're faring in London with summer at the minute. So I guess that I'm 'acclimatising'.


I know I'm high jacking the thread too but it's nice to see that it's not just swarms of 20/21's going out there. At 29 now I need to do it now or never again, just hoping that I can work it well enough and get hold of the 2nd year visa :)

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I'm going to be staying in a hostel in Perth city called Banjo's, seems to have good reviews and can always move on. I did consider Freo but I think living in the city will provide more work opportunities.


Going to update my CV today and see if there's anything I can at least register my interest with. The last thing I want to be doing is getting there and not finding anything for weeks, especially as everything seems so expensive out there!


I don't have any bar experience but my friend just got to Perth a few weeks ago and got a bar job without any issues (or experience!), plus has an interview for a call centre lined up. Fingers crossed it shouldn't be too difficult!

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I've not come across that Hostel on my searches, however now I have and the reviews look excellent. I'm staying in the Old Swan Barracks for the first week but it seems mixed on the reviews. I'll be able to add that to my small list of alternatives.


I've got my fingers crossed for you and myself that finding a job won't take too long!

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