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Your experiences? - Job hunting in UK whilst still based in Australia


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I'm in the process of job hunting in the UK whilst still here living and working in Aus.


We have only recently decided to head back to the UK and so there is long road ahead but finding a job is the first step


I'd be keen to hear about the good and bad experiences that fellow posters have had e.g.


1) Do/did the UK recruiters value your Aus experience

2) If you found a job, how were you interviewed? Skype? Phone? Did you go back?

3) Did you go back without a job and take your chances?


FYI I am professionally qualified in my field, educated to MSc level and work for a Government agency. Not sure if this helps those that come from similar working backgrounds that may wish to respond.



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We haven't started looking yet but are planning on doing the same as you. DH is a business analyst and put his toe in the water with a recruitment agent and his Australian experience was as highly thought of as his UK experience.


He has seen a couple of good permanent roles and several contract roles online which bodes well but we are definitely not moving back until DH has a job to go to.

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Hi, We have just made the move back to South Yorkshire, husband had no job to come back to, he is in engineering, which is going great guns here, he has managed to get contract work within a week of being back and has had one interview and one telephone interview since being back and is waiting to hear.

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  • 1 month later...

My partner and I were thinking of moving to the UK in October and going down the partner visa route. I've done as much research as I can in terms of me being the UK citizen sponsor who has to obtain a job offer within 3 months of arrival with a salary of £18,600 in order for him to get a 'partner visa'. To make things tricky, neither his parents or grandparents were born in the UK. I'd love to hear of anyone who has experiences of UK firms who have made job offers before an applicant has even stepped foot in the UK.


I've registered with quite a few agencies and it just looks like no-one will touch me with a barge pole because as I suspect, it's a case of "I'm not offering you a job....to start within 3months of your arrival". I'm slowly being put off even moving back to my own country! Even getting my permanent residency and Australian citizenship was easier than the UK process.



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Hi, We have just made the move back to South Yorkshire, husband had no job to come back to, he is in engineering, which is going great guns here, he has managed to get contract work within a week of being back and has had one interview and one telephone interview since being back and is waiting to hear.


That's the spirit!

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Guest Guest55385

Difficult but not impossible. We did it once, got a successful job and then gave it up to move from Perth to brisbane. We'll be doing it again soon from Brisbane as we're hoping to leave before Xmas

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I didn't look for work until we arrived back but the one very minor challenge I had was recent 'domain' experience - I work in IT and in Scotland the majority of work I had done was for the Financial Services industry. The market place in Perth was quite different and I did primarily work for the state government in risk and health.


Coming back to Scotland a couple of roles I knew I could do extremely well I didn't get put forward for because the recruiters said the companies were looking for recent banking experience. I did worry a little but actually it only took three weeks to get a role with one of the largest banking groups in the UK.

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My partner and I were thinking of moving to the UK in October and going down the partner visa route. I've done as much research as I can in terms of me being the UK citizen sponsor who has to obtain a job offer within 3 months of arrival with a salary of £18,600 in order for him to get a 'partner visa'. To make things tricky, neither his parents or grandparents were born in the UK. I'd love to hear of anyone who has experiences of UK firms who have made job offers before an applicant has even stepped foot in the UK.


I've registered with quite a few agencies and it just looks like no-one will touch me with a barge pole because as I suspect, it's a case of "I'm not offering you a job....to start within 3months of your arrival". I'm slowly being put off even moving back to my own country! Even getting my permanent residency and Australian citizenship was easier than the UK process.



We too are having to go down the partner visa route no other option for us either. UK process is crazy but it is what is i suppose. I think you will have more luck securing a job if you were over there to be honest not ideal. You will need to provide written proof of the job offer and the salary when you apply for the partner visa. You do also have to have suitable housing sorted when you apply for the partner visa. If this is staying with family you will need written proof sating what sort of housing it is how many bedrooms. How many other people live there they need to be satisfied there's enough room for you all. Good luck.
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My partner and I were thinking of moving to the UK in October and going down the partner visa route. I've done as much research as I can in terms of me being the UK citizen sponsor who has to obtain a job offer within 3 months of arrival with a salary of £18,600 in order for him to get a 'partner visa'. To make things tricky, neither his parents or grandparents were born in the UK. I'd love to hear of anyone who has experiences of UK firms who have made job offers before an applicant has even stepped foot in the UK.


I've registered with quite a few agencies and it just looks like no-one will touch me with a barge pole because as I suspect, it's a case of "I'm not offering you a job....to start within 3months of your arrival". I'm slowly being put off even moving back to my own country! Even getting my permanent residency and Australian citizenship was easier than the UK process.




What kind of work do you do Exmax?


I wouldn't necessarily be too upfront and honest in the early part of the processes - do they actually need to know you are in Australia?


Agencies never include your contact details when they put you forward for a position so there is no need to have an address on your CV and simply get yourself a non-Aussie email address (if you use one that has the .au domain) and a UK SIM card.


I'm not saying you lie but at least get a foot in the door - would you be able to fly back for an interview if you absolutely had to?


Apologies @Seattle7072 - this applies to you to, I was thinking Exmax was the OP :)

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I don't think any employer will offer you a job without being in the UK. Things have tightened up here, largely through immigrants coming from Europe, they have to make sure that employees are able to work in the UK by providing passport, national insurance number (this has to be on a government letter head) they won't offer you a job without these items. The best they will do is say give me a call when you arrive. Certain jobs are picking up here such as engineering, however, government jobs are on the decline due to cut-back especially around South Yorkshire.

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I don't think any employer will offer you a job without being in the UK. Things have tightened up here, largely through immigrants coming from Europe, they have to make sure that employees are able to work in the UK by providing passport, national insurance number (this has to be on a government letter head) they won't offer you a job without these items. The best they will do is say give me a call when you arrive. Certain jobs are picking up here such as engineering, however, government jobs are on the decline due to cut-back especially around South Yorkshire.


My husband secured 3 jobs whilst we were still in Perth! The interview process was done via telephone call and then Skype! We left perth and within two weeks of being back in the uk he started his new job...we haven't looked back! Good Luck!

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Guest Bora

I left with diddly squat to return to. Employed within 3 weeks or so upon my arrival. I was fortunate to some degree, right place right time, and recommended. I always believed this was the way to go. Get home first and foremost, and things would fall into place. Although i did make an attempt to apply for jobs while in OZ that was after plans were concreted in to return. And it was half hearted. I couldn't imagine applying for jobs while in OZ suffering rejection, silence, and relying on an opportunity/offer/acceptance etc thus controlling my life. I know this thought process would not work for some but for those desperate to return don't let a job put you off. jobs are here when you get here after all.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for your response @Lady Rainicorn and my apologies for my tardiness. I work as cabin crew, I have about 16 years experience plus in addition to that, I have other strings to my bow. It's interesting to read about what agencies do. While I'm on the subject of agencies, what is with them anyway? I remember being home for a visit last year, I contacted two agencies looking for upcoming work, they wanted me to send me a resume, which I did, then NOTHING, no response whatsover. I even followed this up with another email, a week and even 6months after, still nothing. I feel like recruitment companies seem to be the world over. Anyway, rant over.


I'm still going to pursue the option of moving back to the UK for a bit but until then, I'll do what I can here, I'm even studying something else in a completely different industry to increase my chances of work. I do however acknowledge that the best if not only option for me would be to just up sticks and have my partner follow me a few months after. That sounds like such a gamble though!

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Been trying for a year. No work in my line in Oz and been told again and again no point lining up for the UK unless I'm there already. No shortage of vacancies in the UK though, just need to get there first though...

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