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Land in Sydney end of june and need travel buddies & new friends!


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Hi guys!

Im Lauren, a 19 year old British girl and I am landing in Sydney around this time next month!

I've been to australia twice - Last year for two months & in April for a month (both just holidays) and I have decided to do the big move. I have a WHV 417 and plan to do work to qualify for my second year..

Im staying with a friend in Sydney and therefore due to this, I am worried that I will miss out on meeting other travellers in Hostels/events etc and i dont want this to happen.

Im looking for travel buddies & general friends to meet & go to events with so that I can meet other travellers and I am more than interested in travelling on different road trips (last year i did a 10 day drive from sydney - Darwin)

I have a little knowledge on sydney from being twice so might be able to help with any questions newbies have too


Hopefully some people will be in the same position as me and looking for chats/friends too!


I have facebook, so please add me on there to chat more and hopefully we can create a group of brits all in the same position to make it all a little easier and less nerve racking!



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