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28 days extension.


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Hi all.

I have partner visa application in process and asked CO for extension 1 week before the submission deadline and was given 28 days extension on the same day.


My question is does the 28 days start from the day i was given the extension or add on after the original deadline.



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You have presumably asked for an extension because you are waiting on something specific (e.g. a police clearance certificate). If you tell your CO the reason for needing more time, you will be given as much time as you need. The reason they set deadlines is so they don't have cases sitting open for ever waiting on documentation that is never going to come. It is also good for prompting applicants to get on and get the extra material together rather than just putting it off for another day.


So, if you are getting towards 28 days after you last asked, just go back to the CO and ask for more time - it's no big deal. The COs actually want to grant you a visa and help you begin your new life.

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