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Beware if you smoke e cigarettes in UK as you may soon find them banned here!


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I have been one of the unfortunate people who has been addicted to smoking for 47 years!

I started smoking in my early teens, I grew up in London and at that time practically everyone smoked. We used to stop off on the way to school, at a tobacconists and buy one or two cigarettes and that is where it started. By the time I was 15 I was hooked and my Mum even used to give me cigarettes and we smoked together.


She smoked all the way through 3 pregnancies, but by the time I was of childbearing age it was obvious that smoking was dangerous for our babies so I quit by the time I was three months pregnant. It was soooo damn difficult but on reflection I think guilt tided me over. But it was a short term solution and each time I landed back on the ciggies.


Over the years I have tried everything to quit, all the usual NRT's with the exception of Champix as I have always suffered from intermittent periods of depression and constant anxiety attacks, plus at times suicidal thoughts so after researching it, I realised this would be a very dangerous path for me to take.


I had a friend staying with me who was using vaping equipment, Mr 40+ a day smoker and it seemed to help him to cut down at least.

By this time I was totally depleted of energy and spent most of my time in bed or on the sofa, having had to let my business go as well.


This March I hit rock bottom, I had increased my smoking to 35-40 per day, I was coughing so much all night that I became incontinent, this was the final straw for me so I ordered a starter kit from an Australian Vaping Company, with tobacco flavoured cartridges with no nicotine and from day one I was able to cut down my smoking dramatically, but I still craved the nicotine.


I then ordered some better equipment and some e juice with nicotine in from overseas. I really haven't looked back since. Most days I happily just vape I have had the odd roll up on occasion but this is getting less and less.


Then I found out about this hideous case against a retailer of vaping (e cigarette) products called Heavenly Vapours in Western Australia, who was raided by “The Health Department” with the backing would you believe of “The Cancer Council” he won his case in the local magistrates court but it was appealed against in the Supreme Court and he lost the case. He is waiting for sentencing and has set up an appeal to help raise funds. You can google the information if you are interested. There is also a petition on the go.


When I heard about this case, I fell into a state of fear, not just for my own life, but for many others. I have lost precious loved ones to smoking related diseases and I thought, oh here we go again!


So I have been trying everything in my power to support these guys, both financially and by spending many hours each day trying to drum up support for them and to appeal to the Cancer Council.


Vaping is saving my life, I am a completely different person to the sad one I was a while ago, my health and energy are returning and I will do everything in my power to support HV as this is such an important case which simply must be won.


Another thought I have just had and would like to add that I can think of at least a dozen people I know, both friends and family who have given up smoking, basically by cold turkey or with NRT's but all of them have put on massive amounts of weight and are now suffering lots of other associated problems with being obese, such a shame to see.


But amazingly I have actually lost weight, mostly because I have gained back my zest for life and for the first time in years have started taking regular walks and made a decision to cut down dramatically on carbs and sugar, you see I have hope now rather than feeling like I was before "waiting to die" and my Doctor who was a bit cynical when I told her I was vaping is totally astounded and is now quite passionate about finding out the benefits of vaping, additionally she is shocked and dismayed that the Cancer Council and the Health Dept have taken this ridiculous stance. She wanted to know more about it, so I printed off some information from the UK Anti Smoking Lobby ASH, who are embracing this new safer technology clip_image002.png


Unfortunately the people who stand to lose most by us quitting smoking through this method are The Big Pharma companies, who wish to sell there totally ineffective Nicotine Replacement Products. Certain Health departments who make huge profits from treating cancer, the Government who are charging extraordinary amounts of taxes on tobacco and of course the big tobacco companies.


They will all do anything they can to discredit vaping as it is ALL ABOUT MONEY!!


Here is the link to the appeal and the petition


Ecigs. Our right not to smoke Tobacco. by Vince van Heerden – GoFundMe


Petition | Legalise the sale of Personal Vaporisers in Western Australia. | Change.org

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We bought loads of the e cloud stuff back for a friend when we were in the UK last month.


we bought him loads, about £150 worth. Then I panicked, wondering if we could get it thru Perth customs, so we split the stuff between 3 cases. Didnt get checked.


Was a little but peeved to see you couldn't use them on the flight.....thought that all these fake cigs, vapour things were brought in as a replacement and you could smoke them wherever.


We don't yet know that much about them. But I think they are great and really pleased they've given you a new lease of life.


the dangers....well not to be flippant, but I was back in the UK cos my dad died a horrible death of cancer, only 65, never smoked, Fit as a fiddle, the young girl that died recently of ovarian cancer and poor Stephen who lost his life at 19 to bowel cancer.


life is strange too say the least

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My mum uses them. She knows they don't have all the info about them but I think she's happy to take the risk tbh

I can completely agree with her sentiments as after almost 2 months of vaping I feel like a different person!

I can breathe, I can walk! I am not pissing myself all night!

This is a very serious issue that is being played out by big Pharma, Big Tobacco Companies and the money grabbing government.

All I am saying to potential immigrants that you may be banned from vaping if you arrive in "Nanny State".

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Ahh lost lily ...sorry to have to tell you this....but smoking in the UK is akin to murdering a puppy..


not sure where you get your facts from...but plenty places to smoke in Perth if that's your thing.


for me personally ...can't beat the aviary....laid out on those beds, music blasting, enjoying a puff, while overlooking the city..


ahhh...what nights out are made off xx

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@Lostlily, actually @fifi69 is wrong. Smoking in the UK is akin to child murder, not drowning puppies. I smoke, have done for years and years, although I did stop for 4 years once. I don't smoke in the house or any enclosed places; I don't even like those so-called cigarette shelters because actually, I can't stand the smell! Yes odd I know, but I'm a nicotine addict and I can't help it, I crave cigarettes. Might have to give these e-cigarettes a try......

@fifi69, where is this place and when are we going?? :wink:

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