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So, a few people are posting horror stories about returnees and the NHS etc, I am wondering if this is all good ie we are all british citizens and despite being out the country since 2008 on and off, we can rightly return and access things? We are not expecting benefits, and I understand it takes a few years to build up a credit history.


We have UK bank accounts still, NHS numbers (although child doesn't) and NI numbers....surely we can access medical care right?

Sounds stupid but trying to time my last hoorah baby; if things are this dodgy i may as well do it here!


I am also worried about getting a rental as the last 4 years we have been renting here ; do uk landlords accept this? it's been so long since i've rented in the UK.....


These kind of thoughts are keeping me awake at night lol....


We don't have private hospital cover here, but i would be happy to have a 2nd baby in the public system. But if there were problems with this in the UK, well, it may spin things around a bit i guess.....

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Hi, we haven't moved back yet so have no experience, but I would imagine that if you are a citizen you should be able to access NHS care. I agree with you about benefits - that would have some kind of time limit - but I don't imagine that same would be true for health care. I wouldn't necessarily believe a lot of the stuff you see on here - people do like to be negative! Maybe get a friend or family member to ask their GP or the local hospital/health board? May be more likely to get a proper answer... If you're a citizen and you can prove that you had made a permanent move back I don't think it will be a problem

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Well as said, I had suspected heart attack which has and may keep me in the UK a bit longer, I was well cared for, hospital for a week and meds etc and frequent visits for BP.

Had an MRI at Southampton on weds, awaiting results and can honestly say the people from porters to the consultants were excellent. My only issue now is that the results of the MRi need to be looked at by consultants etc to see what exactly went wrong with my heart and if any further treatment required, my house sold within 2 weeks and now I have been told they want to exchange early June, so if I have a heart issue should I wait and return later as expenses in Perth could be damaging or just sell.

My son 15 at the time in Perth had a ct scan, we were billed $400+ for this.

The NHS was a godsend for me cannot fault them

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  • 1 month later...
So, a few people are posting horror stories about returnees and the NHS etc, I am wondering if this is all good ie we are all british citizens and despite being out the country since 2008 on and off, we can rightly return and access things? We are not expecting benefits, and I understand it takes a few years to build up a credit history.


We have UK bank accounts still, NHS numbers (although child doesn't) and NI numbers....surely we can access medical care right?

Sounds stupid but trying to time my last hoorah baby; if things are this dodgy i may as well do it here!


I am also worried about getting a rental as the last 4 years we have been renting here ; do uk landlords accept this? it's been so long since i've rented in the UK.....


These kind of thoughts are keeping me awake at night lol....


We don't have private hospital cover here, but i would be happy to have a 2nd baby in the public system. But if there were problems with this in the UK, well, it may spin things around a bit i guess.....



I won't repeat what I said in my answer to your other post but we got NHS care straight away, and not just emergency care - specialist appointments, physiotherapy etc.


A rental may be more difficult though as assuming you go through a letting agency you will almost certainly need to pass a credit check - having retained UK accounts will probably have helped, before applying for a mortgage I did an Experian credit check on myself (30 day free trial and then cancelled!) and the bank accounts, credit cards etc. all helped - the only 'black' mark was the fact I hadn't borrowed any money and repaid it but still had a high score and got the mortgage no bother, this was after 9 months back in the UK though.


'Failing' a credit check for a rental doesn't mean you can't have it but you may need to provide a guarantor or pay a larger deposit - we have taken a tenant with a guarantor and on another occasion accepted them despite a failed reference because we were desperate for tenants (& they couldn't have been better ones!) and you can always look for private rentals too - not everyone wants to pay letting agencies 10-15%.

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Uh oh no, I didn't know it would pose a problem getting a flat if we moved back to the UK (if we went). That would most certainly suck. So do you always pay more fee to the rental agency in that case? And what about buying property in the UK straight away? Does anyone know how that works out?

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