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Potential move to WA


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hi there,


I currently live in Scotland and work in the mining/quarrying industry as a conveyor belt technician, I have been in contact with a company in the uk that potentially wants to take me to Perth on a fly in/fly out basis.


can anyone give me some advice/tips on places to stay in or outwith perth but close enough for getting to the airport. Towns facilities etc


I have read a few forums and unfortunately I have found a lot of negative comments regarding Perth which I'm sure doesn't speak for everyone.


if I come over I will be myself to begin with (39 year old male) with a view to my fiancé and daughter joining me at a later date just in case things didn't go well.


any advice will be greatly appreciated, just trying to get a feel for the place as the company is painting this wonderful picture but comments on various sites appears to say otherwise





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Perth seems to be one of those places that you either love or loathe, there's no in-between. I know people in both camps! Personally, I find it a bit too quiet for my taste, but that's me. I have friends who moved from Sydney, who love the fact that it's quieter and less frenetic.


Bear in mind that most of the people on this forum are either looking to migrate, or people wanting to go home, or people so traumatised by their migration experience that they want to warn others. People who are settled happily in Australia don't have a lot of reason to hang around here! So you can get a distorted picture.

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We live in Mandurah one hour south of Perth airport . My OH fifo's to Barrow Island on a 26/9 swing. I drive him to and from the airport and wouldn't want to live much more than an hour away. However if you've a young child you may well prefer to use one of the many taxi services ( some contracts also pay for this ) If you're coming on a 457 visa it will be worth pointing out that you will have to pay for schooling.

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