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Partner 820 Final steps... Canadian Criminal check and getting fingerprints in Sydney!


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Hey All,


Wondering if anyone can help/shed any light here!


Background: English guy applying for Defacto 820 with Aussie partner. Applied last June, and just got the awesome message that we have a case officer who is reviewing all the docs (very happy!). They've asked for one final doc. Criminal check from Canada (I've lived there for just under a year, then went back on a holiday a couple of years later and therefore have stayed there longer than 12 months cumulatively)


Any how trouble is this: RCMP (royal Canadian Mounted Police ) clearance can take up to 4months due to the way it has to be scanned in and checked out there. I'm going to use a third party affiliate in Canada, that can get the process down to a few weeks max (web here for those interested http://www.fingerscan.ca/ - check out the clients living abroad part)


Now, going into local police stations is proving to be a pain in the #$% as they're saying they can only send my prints DIRECT to RCMP, not third party? Or even give me a copy of MY fingerprints to send myself! To be honest, no one there seems to give a straight answer - I went in 2 days ago, they were adamant you can't get Ink prints any more, all digitally scanned. Today I go back, and they say ok we can give Ink prints, but only send to RCMP. Getting very frustrated now.....!


So has anyone here had any luck getting fingerprints done at any Sydney Police stations at all? And where if so/ how was your process? Any advice?


Thanks All.

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Sorry i cant help, but im bumping your post up in the hope someone can,,, in the meantime id try different stations to see if you can get somewhere or at least a common answer so you know where you are at.


Cal x

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