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Consequences on 457 for silly mistake


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Hi there,


I am on a 457, and whilst back in the UK for a short trip I was caught driving without insurance. Very stupid I know - I mistakenly thought I was a named driver still.


So if I'm found guilty I will end up with a criminal record in the UK. Does anyone know if there are consequences of this on my 457 visa?



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I very much doubt it. If you're found guilty, you should declare the conviction on your Incoming Passenger Card (IPC) if you return after the verdict and you'll probably be questioned about it, but unless you get a substantial prison sentence (unlikely for that offence), I'm pretty sure you have nothing to worry about as far as your 457 or a subsequent visa is concerned.

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You wont get a criminal record for that


Driving without insurance is a criminal offence not a civil one like many other driving offences.


To the OP, you'll be fine but you must declare it on your landing card when you return. If they find out later then you could be in trouble.

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Thanks for the responses.


So it turns out it is on my record. Unfortunately, I have been in and out of Australia twice since then which means I have answered "No" incorrectly on my Incoming Passenger Card (IPC). This was a genuine mistake as I didn't realise i had a criminal conviction.


I was planning on applying for PR as i am now eligible. I have been reading a little around the implications of a criminal offence such as this and the chances are it wouldn't prevent me from getting PR. However, the fact that I have not declared on numerous occasions flying into Aus it may turn it into a much bigger issue as it looks as though I have lied, and therefore raises questions about my character.


What I am thinking is going to them now and explaining the situation and that I made a mistake.


Any thoughts?

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What I am thinking is going to them now and explaining the situation and that I made a mistake.

Sounds reasonable. It's hardly a hanging offence. In fact, I wouldn't mention the landing cards and just offer it as an update to your 457 application (fill in the change of circumstances form). If there is a delay, just say it was because you have only just become aware that it counts as a criminal offence.

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Driving without insurance and you didn't know? I trust it was your oldies car you were driving? And they didn't tell you? I smell something fishy and I'm not talking about the content of Baldricks apple crumble.


i think you were caught and knew full well what you were doing and now it has come back to bite you

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Guest The Pom Queen
Driving without insurance and you didn't know? I trust it was your oldies car you were driving? And they didn't tell you? I smell something fishy and I'm not talking about the content of Baldricks apple crumble.


i think you were caught and knew full well what you were doing and now it has come back to bite you

I'm not sure, over here if you have a fully comp car anyone can drive it, if they are an unnamed driver and have an accident then your excess can be more but that's it. If I was to return back to the UK now I would have totally forgot

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Must admit I'm a little confused :biggrin:- the OP started by saying


"So if I'm found guilty I will end up with a criminal record in the UK" - which makes it sounds like a recent thing


But then goes onto say "So it turns out it is on my record. Unfortunately, I have been in and out of Australia twice since" - which makes it sound like it was some time ago?


Not sure if that will have any bearing but think as Quikla has suggested, it would be better to offer it as an update. Good luck!

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