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Help with 175 online application!


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Hi Guys,


Boy do I need some help. I've been sitting at this computer now for hours going around in circles with this online application. I would be so grateful for any help you can give me. These are my problems,


1. I've filled in the online application and at the end its asking for money. But I haven't attanched any documents yet. Can I only attach these afterwards when I get the TRN number? Also does it tell me what documents are needed? I can't seem to find a document checklist online anywhere. You see I want to make sure I've got all the documents before I part with my money.


2. Also I've noticed the online application doesn't ask you as many questions as the manual application. Do I have to fill in other forms from other places eg Health, character.


Sorry, guys but my brain is about to explode. I'd be grateful for any advice you could give me. I know I probably sound a real thickie but its not the greatest of systems.:wacko:



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Guest Django

Hi Steph,


Yes you can attach all you need to after paying so don't worry. A new screen will appear onec you've done the do. We got our TRN straight away.

As for the info side. It isn't as in depth as the form 180 for paper based for some reason. You can't give them too much onfo so you could attach that as well. We didn't and they haven't asked for it. Once you have a CO they will ask you to email/attach anything else they need.



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Guest yvetteb1

we did our online app in sep 08

you do need to pay first to get a TRN number, then they will ask you to attatch docs and they can be tracked more easily to your application. i believe that they check your initial form to see if you have enough points and they will refund you if your app will not be successful on a points basis.

this is what i eventually attatched to my app form.

22/01/2008 Birth certificate or other evidence of age Met Message 22/01/2008 Copy of page of passport containing personal details Met Message 22/01/2008 Evidence of change of name Met Message 22/01/2008 Evidence of English language ability Met Message 22/01/2008 Evidence of overseas qualifications Met Message 22/01/2008 Evidence of skills assessment Met Message 22/01/2008 Evidence of Specific Work Experience Met Message 22/01/2008 Evidence of Suitable Skills Assessment Met Message 22/01/2008 Evidence of work experience Met Message 22/01/2008 Marriage certificate Met Message 06/03/2008 Penal clearance certificate Met Message 22/01/2008 Passport photo Met Message 06/03/2008 Form 160EH - Radiologist report on chest x-ray Met Message 06/03/2008 Form 26EH - Medical Examination for an Australian visa Met Message hope this helps!!

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Guest yvetteb1

the health forms are completed by a panel doctor and is one the more expensive forms cus you have to have x-rays. we paid about £450 for 2 people. they will tell you when to get your meds done as the only are valid for a year i think, so they send you for them when you are at the end of the app process.

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Guest Django

You can print the medical forms off of the computer complete with all your names and TRN already on once you have lodged your visa.



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