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No justification?

Guest Guest66881

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I hope so too. The Sea Harriers was unproven until it was deployed during the Falklands Conflict. Turned out to be a formidable aircraft with only 20 Harriers they managed to defeat a number of enemy Mirages without loss patrolling the skies with authority.


The small number of Mirage 111s the Argentinians possessed were never used due to their limited range and lack of inflight refueling capability...they did however use their A4 Skyhawks and Super Etendards very effectively and with a bit more luck the naval battle may well have been lost by GB.

Trust me...having initially flown the Mirage 111o.....if used to it's capability as an interceptor a Harrier was no match......different aircraft......different roles.

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it is still not a good and capable aircraft......Australia needed if anything the F22 Raptor but the Yanks won't sell it........I would still stack a 1960's F111 up against anything today on a long range interdiction strike. My Nav could put a 1000kg smart bomb through your front door on any given day.

The ban is there till 2015. I'm not sure if it will be lifted after that. But the Raptor is a formidable machine due to its stealth features and the US might want to keep the most advanced to itself.
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Is anyone really gonna launch an attack against Australia? Everyone loves us !!!


As for Abbott his credibility drops by the day. Big spending on defence while making cuts to welfare, sounds like a vote winner. Oops too late the elections over. Damn we voted for the wrong guy.

Again, its the capability that counts and not intention. Intentions might change with new government in neighbouring countries.Indonesia has the SU-30, which is also a formidable 4+ generation fighter.

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The small number of Mirage 111s the Argentinians possessed were never used due to their limited range and lack of inflight refueling capability...they did however use their A4 Skyhawks and Super Etendards very effectively and with a bit more luck the naval battle may well have been lost by GB.

Trust me...having initially flown the Mirage 111o.....if used to it's capability as an interceptor a Harrier was no match......different aircraft......different roles.


The Sea Harriers did shoot down at least one Mirage I believe. But I think over 20 assorted aircraft were shot down by SHARs with no loss. Only aircraft to be lost were due to Ground fire and accidents.

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The Sea Harriers did shoot down at least one Mirage I believe. But I think over 20 assorted aircraft were shot down by SHARs with no loss. Only aircraft to be lost were due to Ground fire and accidents.

You're right, one Mirage 111E (which were primarily used as decoys for the main strike force) was shot down by an air to air missile (AIM-9L Sidewinder) from a Harrier, the other Mirage loss succumbed to friendly fire.

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