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False information in visa application ....


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My kid was born, after me and my wife was granted PR, Sub class 175E. My kid was autistic, but her condition was very mild.

I did not mention that in her child visa application and the doctor who did the medical examination was also not able to notify anything. (Medical exam was done when she was 6 months old, and now she is 2 yrs old).

kid is progressing quite well, she was enrolled to a nursery also. But we are doing therapy for her. Her latest assessment by the paediatrician came a lower average range, which is very good for a such child.


i am planning to move to Oz at the end of this year. Will this (not mentioning her condition) be a problem when I go there and registering for Medicare or schools ?

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Have you got your visa? Have you validated it? If you have a visa but not validated you are obliged to advise of any change of circumstances and a new, potentially expensive, diagnosis would be something you need to disclose. If she had a diagnosis when you applied for her child visa then you could be in trouble for failing to declare. I'd be getting advice about your obligations for notifying if the visa hasn't been validated.

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[MENTION][/MENTION]How could you have known she was autistic at 6 months old?? Even at 2 years old the chances of getting an official diagnosis is slim. Especially if her results are just lower than average. Having a 3 year old that has gone through this - think you need a second opinion from another doctor.

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[MENTION][/MENTION]How could you have known she was autistic at 6 months old?? Even at 2 years old the chances of getting an official diagnosis is slim. Especially if her results are just lower than average. Having a 3 year old that has gone through this - think you need a second opinion from another doctor.


Must admit, I thought the same. Diagnosis before aged 3 is uncommon and they tend to like to wait till aged 3 before they start assessing.


I'm with you, second opinion. Diagnosis before 3 doesn't seem to make much sense given how kids develop so differently, faster, slower and so on.

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You were not aware of the condition at the time of visa application - that is not a problem. You became aware of a problem - that needs to be notified. But before you do, best get all the relevant information precisely correct. But I think diagnosing a child at that age definitively with ASD is not clever.

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