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Documents needed for a rental application?


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I found most had a points system, where different documents scored different numbers of points and the total had to equal or exceed 100. The agencies all had slightly different requirements, but documents requested included passport, driving license, proof of income/pay slips, utility bills, reference, birth certificate, medicare card etc. On arriving in Oz we made sure we got our Medicare cards and Oz driving licenses sorted out asap which helped considerably with rental applications, and also sent a covering letter with our documents explaining why some of them (like utility bills) were from the UK. We had no problems with being accepted.

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I didn't have references so took estate agent flyer from when my house was on market to show it was well maintained, also mortgage statements to show I was a regular payer, don't know if they counted for anything but the real estate here took copies

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Hi Kezzles!

I'm going on a property hunt tomorrow with the relocation agent (EXCITED!!!) and she asked me to bring the following:

· Identification (eg. Driver’s Licence, Passport, Medicare Card)

· Details of your current living arrangements (eg. If you are renting, your current agent’s details, if you own your property, your land and water rates notice)

· Details of your employment contract and housing allowance details (as applicable)

· Contact details for two referees (eg. your HR contact and your Manager)


I've contacted my previous letting agency in the UK for a reference but after 3 weeks I've had no response (helpful as always!) so I'm hoping I won't need one. If I get any more useful tips from the agent tomorrow I'll let you know.

Hope things are going well! x

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Ok, so, most of the agencies I saw today (10 properties in one day - my brain hurts) use the 1Form online application portal which you can complete all the application info in and then just fill out the property specific bits as and when. You can set up an account without having to submit any applications - so might be worth doing that to get a head start, uploading copies of documents (there's a list) and then you have it all in there saved and ready to go when you need to.

I uploaded 100 points of ID (passport and drivers license) and then a copy of my employment offer as proof of income, a copy of my medicare card and a copy of a utility bill as proof of my previous rental address. Different agencies will have different specific requirements, but that should give you a rough idea.

Hope that helps!

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For what it's worth, in our experience, we've rented twice and while all the forms look really officious, if you turn up to a open house looking neat, tidy, we'll dressed and can demonstrate that you've got a decent job and background then the agents tend not to bother too much with the rest of the tests and checks.


As Australia has so much net immigration, most agencies understand the challenges that can be involved and will make allowances accordingly (half the agents are probably British anyway!)

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