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Certified Documents


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Its for a child visa and as far as I can see there is no way to submit it online which is a pain.


I think I may have answered my own question though. On the DIAC site it says the following:


Any person or agency recognised by the law of the country in which you live can certify documents. All our offices outside Australia have a person who can certify or witness documents. You might have to pay for this service.


As the Post Office seem to be recognised by the law in this country it shoudl be accepted by DIAC.

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The friend who did their statutory declaration for my 309/100 application (form 888) had their document witnessed by the Post Office and it was accepted by my case officer.


I personally wouldn't bother with the PO, as there are many local solicitors who will do it for a few ££. But depends if it's convenient etc for you.

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