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Hi, I recently posted another thread on this site, I have lost my job, I am on 457 visa, so desperately looking for new sponsor. I am a paediatric nurse so limited to where I can work. Had a few unsuccessful interviews, and recently had one interview last week but wont be hearing til the end of march. I am in a dilemma of what to do if I can't find work soon, I will be running out of money so will need to go home. I love aus and want to stay here so started the process of PR visa, but only in early stages - just getting docs ready to send to anmac so it's not going to be ready any time soon.

I do love my job, but I hate working the shifts that comes with nursing, unfortunately I have not been qualified that long - 2 1/2 years so will still have to do shifts for a while longer.

After loosing my job I have just been thinking about maybe becoming a primary school teacher, I love working with kids and would have ordinary hours so it would be perfect. Maybe a change of career is what I need, I'm only 24 so now would be the perfect time to do it. From what I have researched if I was back home I could do a PGCE for 1 year as I already have a nursing degree. If I decided to go down that route of becoming a teacher, would I need to work for a few years back home first or could I just get my PR visa and come over to oz. Would it matter that I didn't have a degree in teaching - I don't particularly want to have to go back to uni for 3years.

Or my other thought was if I was fortunate to get the job I mentioned I am waiting to hear from, or even went back home and worked as a nurse, then got PR visa (189), would that visa allow me to go back to uni in oz to do the PGCE? Would my UK nursing qualification transfer over here? I would still be working nursing agency work if that counts?Or is it not possible to change careers because I would have applied for PR visa as a nurse? Someone told me that they came to oz a few years ago, they would have put their skilled work on the visa but they actually opened up a shop instead - so they never actually worked in the skill they said. I wasn't sure if things would have changed though?

I looked at the student visas for oz but I wouldn't be able to afford it - u need to show before the visa is granted that u have $18000, plus course fees and return flights, so that is out of the question.

Also, I know I can't work for anyone else til I find a new sponsor, but does that apply to voluntary work?

thanks jess

p.s. sorry it's an essay lol

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The problem with qualifying as a Primary School Teacher with a view to getting PR in Australia is that a) the occupation isn't on the SOL and so is only eligible for employer and state sponsored visas (i.e. not a 189) and b) we have an oversupply of trained PS teachers here and it's very difficult to find work unless you're willing to work outside the cities.


If you're a degree qualified RN, your nursing qualifications should be acceptable in Australia though of course you still need skills assessment by ANMAC.


When you have PR, you become eligible to study at domestic tuition rates so you would be able to get a Post-graduate teaching diploma or further nursing qualifications if you wish.


If you get a points tested visa (189, 190 or 489 visa), there is no requirement whatsoever for you to work in your nominated occupation. There are plenty of PRs around who nominated a profession and are driving cabs or running small businesses.


You can't do any kind of work other than what is covered by your 457 visa and I'm pretty sure that would also apply to voluntary work.

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Think carefully before you to skip to another career. Teaching is not the easy option and there are many 'after' hours required.


You could potentially undertake a one year graduate diploma in primary education here in Oz. A three year nursing degree provides for entry to that. However, you would need to research which state you wish to work in and if the units that you studied in your nursing degree would allow eligibility for teaching registration.


It is not simply a matter of doing a PGCE in the UK and getting PR to come to Oz. We have a huge surplus of primary teachers, many graduates and experienced teachers are without work. You would need to research if you could even get PR that way.


If you do get PR on the basis of/ whilst still a nurse, then yes you could study here and would pay lower domestic fees. You can do whatever you want once you have PR. However, you would not be eligible for student loans (only citizens are) and so would need to pay upfront at the beginning of each semester.

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Thanks, i guess if i do become a teacher and can't find work i still have my nursing to fall back on. Any advice on where the best place to get teacher qualiication would be, i know my nursing employers where impressed that i trained in uk, so is it better to do PGCE back home or is it better to do it in oz as u will be familiar w/ the curriculum over here? Also how much are the fees over here in oz?

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Thanks, i guess if i do become a teacher and can't find work i still have my nursing to fall back on. Any advice on where the best place to get teacher qualiication would be, i know my nursing employers where impressed that i trained in uk, so is it better to do PGCE back home or is it better to do it in oz as u will be familiar w/ the curriculum over here? Also how much are the fees over here in oz?



It will to an extent depend on your finances as you will be unable to get a student loan here unless you are a citizen.


If you are here as a nurse then you could work and study part time - many people do.


I personally would do the diploma of education here if you intend to stay in Oz. You would be looking at around $6000 - $8000 for a one year diploma as a PR, that's with a commonwealth supported place.


Please note that the one year diploma is gradually disappearing/ being phased out across Australia and being replaced by a two year masters of education. The entry requirement is the same, a three year degree.

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Have you tried approaching some nursing agencies ? They will usually take on sponsorships , and you will have more control over the shifts you work , not sure where you are but in Perth there are lots of nurses on 457 working for agencies, and there is the dept of health own agency Nurse West good luck

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Sammy you mention i couldn't get student loan but how about bursaries, do they do that here?

shaunfreo- i am in melbourne, tried lots of nursing agencies here and they all said they wont accept me as i need sponsotship. I might contact some of the agencies in perth then, thanks for the tip

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Sammy you mention i couldn't get student loan but how about bursaries, do they do that here?

shaunfreo- i am in melbourne, tried lots of nursing agencies here and they all said they wont accept me as i need sponsotship. I might contact some of the agencies in perth then, thanks for the tip


Bursaries do not exist.


Individual universities do have scholarships for students in financial need (in receipt of a centrelink payment) or of outstanding academic aptitude (normally high school entrants) who are already enrolled on a course.


If you work and study part time you would be able to afford the fees.

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