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My wife and I are considering emigrating to Australia (possibly Melbourne or Sydney) within the next 12 months. I am a qualified Architect (British) with 15 years experience. I have designed on a variety of buildings including schools, leisure centres (swimming pools), stadiums and museums and tend to be front end design rather than detail. I use AutoCAD for many years and more recently the practice I work for has moved to Revit, (although I am in the process of learning at the moment). Can anyone offer any advice regarding my job prospects if we made the move? Any help appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Practices in Sydney and Melbourne are pretty open to foreigners, almost all of the companies I work with from those cities have a high proportion of overseas architects.

They are moving quickly into revit with some firms now working in revit almost exclusively on some projects. There is also a big emphasis on BIM now with full modeling right through to maintenance post construction, so familiarity with that would be a big selling point.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I sent over 100 resumes and the consensus was that I had to be in the country. Jobs are sprouting up everyday in Brisbane now, plus even a few on the Gold Coast which is where I'm heading to in 4 weeks time with no job lined up.

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Hi - first post on the forum but thought I could offer a bit if advice for what it's worth.

I work for a large architecture firm in sydney CBD and have been here approx. 2.5yrs. If you are serious about emigrating, its a good idea to consider a visit firsthand. As mentioned in the above posts, a lot of firms I dealt with and also advice I received from agents is that firms don't really take you seriously unless you are here on the ground. I saved hard and brought the family over and while they were chilling on the beach, I was interviewing round the city. I had however prepared before our visit and sent out 50+ CV's and portfolio samples to every firm I could find.


To cut a long story short - I won a sponsorship for a 457 visa. Once the offer letter came through I gave up the current job, sold cars, rented house and shipped out. A week before flights I got the call that my sponsors had changed their mind and "couldn't give me a start date".

I came out anyway and persuaded a different firm to sponsor me - moved on after a year and sorted out my own PR. The rest is history.


Polish up those revit skills - its a must generally to get your foot in the door - certainly with the top four anyway. Once you start leading teams it's less important.

Last bit of advice - follow your dream - but be prepared to work for it. I have never worked so hard as here in oz but it's worth every minute. I never get tired of approaching the city and crossing harbour bridge on the motorbike every morning - it beats the M62 to Leeds hands down!


hope this helps - apologies if I rambled on

good luck.

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