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Prices - what surprised you and shocked you the most?


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Depends on where you are living.


East coast is fairly reasonable except for a few items.


Perth is Housing and second hand cars and Limes (not lemons) and booze. Its cheaper to buy margret river wine in my old local offie than to buy it here in Oz !


Petrol isn't that much cheaper as in the UK you get 95 octane, the cheap stuff here is that dirty 91 octane stuff that ruins your car. 95 and above is much more.

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Pretty much nothing is cheaper in Australia outside of petrol. Folk it would appear will happily argue the call, instead of calling it what it is and what many of us are aware it is, a giant rip off.


Who gives a monkey's if it isn't too bad beside London or similar. No comparison. This country has over the decades paid higher wages in many areas and been considerably cheaper in many things if not most than London as well.


To have Swiss visitors come to Perth and complain about how expensive it has become since last visit in 2005 and indeed to home, perhaps the most expensive country in the world, suggests something.


I'm sure if they charged $10 for a lemon some would still defend it.


Sounds like you want people at the bottom to be paid less and make things less expensive for you. Maybe there is a bit of right wing in you after all?


America is very cheap compared to the UK and Oz. Wonder why that is? I'd rather not be buying things dirt cheap and have getto's popping up because the workers are paid $5 to serve me

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Like I said, it's the price of housing that bothers me immensly. If property prices start levelling off, the government just allow more rich Asians in to buy what's available and keep pushing prices up. How on earth people are supposed to buy a house is beyond me.......and the cost of renting is just as absurd. Something has to give.....surely?


Everything else isn't too bad, in my opinion. I was shocked at how cheap new cars were.....cheaper than back in the UK.

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Like I said, it's the price of housing that bothers me immensly. If property prices start levelling off, the government just allow more rich Asians in to buy what's available and keep pushing prices up. How on earth people are supposed to buy a house is beyond me.......and the cost of renting is just as absurd. Something has to give.....surely?


Everything else isn't too bad, in my opinion. I was shocked at how cheap new cars were.....cheaper than back in the UK.

Live in your new car...???

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Guest BrisbaneBevan

Hotel / accommodation prices continue to amaze me. Just spent a weekend in Byron Bay for $300 per night to be close to the beach. 'Fridays on The Beach' and the place was a rip off. Tiny room, dirty, no extras like a swimming pool, bar or cafe - literally your just paying for a room that is near the sandy stuff. Saying that, the beach was amazing, even if the bogan yahoo surfing yobs take over the town at dusk. I'd give the place a miss next time, unless I grow my hair long, sleep in the car and start spouting CND rhetoric whilst chuffing on a spliff.

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Hotel / accommodation prices continue to amaze me. Just spent a weekend in Byron Bay for $300 per night to be close to the beach. 'Fridays on The Beach' and the place was a rip off. Tiny room, dirty, no extras like a swimming pool, bar or cafe - literally your just paying for a room that is near the sandy stuff. Saying that, the beach was amazing, even if the bogan yahoo surfing yobs take over the town at dusk. I'd give the place a miss next time, unless I grow my hair long, sleep in the car and start spouting CND rhetoric whilst chuffing on a spliff.


Byron Bay is a total rip off. I'd rather just go to the sunny coast and have some money left for outside my hotel room

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I'm interested to find out from new arrivals from the UK what shocked you most about the prices in Australia and what surprised you the most when compared to the same items in the UK?


Looking forward to some interesting comments :)


We couldn't believe the cost of a small second hand car when we arrived 6 years ago - second hand cards are just coming down a bit in price now though.


Books - they are extortionate here, but thankfully there's The Book Depository to take care of that! They deliver by air mail here for free.


We miss Amazon.co.uk - you can buy from the UK or US version but the postage is outrageous (that's another thing that's v exxy in Aus!)

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