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Moving to sydney


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Hi just joined up. I am 25, live with my parents and work in a job I have had enough of and always wanted to move away. Me and my mate are going to Sydney hopefully for a year to live and work. Just wondered what the chances of getting a job would be? Planning on taking £3,000 to live off as well as £750 in bank for flight home just incase. Obviously a big step and had a few thoughts, is Sydney a safe/ expensive city? Many spiders about? Hate spiders ha. And also if I didn't like it would it be simple as a going to the airport and getting a flight home that day?


Any feedback would be appreciated :)

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Hi and welcome to PIO.


Dont worry too much about the spiders, i dont think anyone could have been more scared of them than me,lol and honestly its not that bad, definately nowehere near as bad as you expect it to be,lol.


I believe Sydney is quite expensive compared to other states, but ive no personal experience of it ,sorry.

Have a look through our Backpackers section as we have quite a few members who come over for a year to work and play, so im sure you will pick up some helpful tips and advice.

Lots of luck with everything

Cal x

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Thanks for the kind words. And yeah I have a big fear of spiders and that is my main concern to be honest which is probably daft I know. Always wanted to travel and live abroad while I'm still young and this seems perfect chance. Me and my mate planning to stay in a decent hostel for a few weeks till we get sorted. Planning a 12 month stay and we both would prefer bar/ restaurant work. Would there be much chance of that? Also got a fear of being stuck so far away from home. How much are flights back to the uk from Sydney and are they every day? Thanks.

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Is it best to book a single or return flight? Heard it costs a lot more to fly from oz on a single and are there regular flights to the uk? Planning on getting a 12 month working holiday visa. Would prefer bar or restaurant work if that's possible? Worried about commuting everything to it but not getting a job there. If so is it possible to stay for a while just on holiday?


also how much would a month in a decent hostel be and a month in a apartment between 2 of us? Sorry for all the questions ha just nervous and excited.planning to save up for 6 months and come over in August to sydney

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hi - I started my WHV in Sydney and loved it. It was about 10 years ago now and although it is an expensive city, if you stick to backpacker type places and don't go too mad, you can have a great time. We lived in Coogee for 4 months renting a small apartment (it worked out cheaper for us than a hostel) and if we went out, it was to the local bars. Every now again we'd have a big night out in the city and obviously drinks were a lot more expesnive there.


Personally I'd suggest buying a return ticket as that will work out cheaper in the long run than buying two singles. Flights are quite frequent however try to stick out the first few months if homesickness kicks in - it's completely natural to feel that way but it is worth trying to see through it.


As for the creepy crawlies, I remember spending my whole flight over worrying about spiders (my other half was terrifed of snakes so we made a right pair!) - to be honest, I've seen much worse in the UK (and more often). It's the koalas you need to be careful of ;)

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Thanks and yeah hopefully won't de many spiders that are too bad in the city. Did you find work ok? Hoping there is plenty of bar and restaurant jobs. And so it's possible if I didn't find a job just to have a long holiday? Should have about 6,500 dollars so if I stick to a budget that will hopefully last 3 months? And what would be best to set the return date for or is there such thing as open return types?

sorry for all the questions ha

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I did find work OK - I registered with lots of agencies when I arrived and pretty much took on anything that was offered - this was office work though so not sure what it's like for bar / restaurant work. If you don't find work, you could treat it as a long holiday if you're careful with your budget (travelling around does add up and the more travel itineraries you see, the more places you want to go - it's quite addictive!).


I think you normally would have to specify a return date but you could put it as say 12 months from your outbound flight - most airlines will then let you change the date (usually for a fee). Just make sure you book a ticket that does give you that flexibility

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Yeah would take office work too so hopefully will find something within a couple of months but we are planning on just having a couple week holiday first before we start looking. Was it a safe city when you were there and what were the attitudes towards the English like?


also is it possible to just turn up at the airport and book a flight for that day? Seems a massive scary step leaving my family friends and job round here to go to oz but always wanted to see the world and travel and now seems the perfect chance. Just filled with all sorts of questions at the moment

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Oh and now much is an average apartment to rent for a month roughly if anyone can answer that?



Rent is usually paid weekly, depends on the area but a 1 bedroom place is in and around 450-550 dollars a week - depending on area.

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