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I want to leave on WHV Early 2015, help!!!


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I think i am stuggling to leave in 2014 as i cant seem to think of an idea to get rid of my car which s the only thing holding me back. I can go to OZ with an agency that push me through it have me a job ECT. but is this the best way? Ill be travelling on my own but it would be real cool to meet some people the moment i leave my front door, so at the Airport and go together and do the adventure. But how, when, whats the best way.


Any help will be appreciated. Thanks guys :):)

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I went in my WHV through bunac. I went in a group flight - there was 14 of us.


For me this was the best way but it was nearly 10 years ago now, a lot has changed. It was more expensive to do it this way. You will still meet loads of people if go alone. And there are places where you can get the same information without paying for it, including mail forwarding etc.





It is very easy for backpackers to be honest - getting jobs can be a lot harder sometimes.

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Hi - when I did my WHV, i just registered with lots of agencies when I got to Sydney and started getting placements that way. I found that if I wasn't too fussy about what I took (including 2 days stuffing envelopes!), other placements followed. it was a few years ago though so not sure if things have changed. Personally, although I did my WHV with my partner at the time, I wouldn't worry too much about travelling off your own back (i.e. rather than a group) as assuming you're staying in a backpackers hostel, you'll meet lots of people there. I'm not sure if the agency you're using is charging you fees on top of your visa, if so then it depends whether you feel confident doing it on your own. Applying for the WHV and booking flights are pretty straight forward so i suppose it's if you want tthe security of having a job to go to (if they are actually able to guarantee that). Whilst travelling around Australia, I met lots of people travelling on their own - if you do the organised tours, it's a great way to meet new people. I found I really liked meeting new groups of people along the way and then making plans to meet them further down the track. Have a great time, it's a fantastic experience!

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I would not use agencies , fees are overpriced, and you can do most things yourself. Within 2 mintues of being in a hostel you will have met at least 10 other solo backpackers, so dont be worried about doing it alone.


What problems do you face with your car? stick it on gumtree/auto trader?

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Cheers guys, thanks for the replies. Basically I have only had the 3 months and its 5 years finance so I am struggling to get rid if anyone has any ideas that would be great. I'll miss the car but this is 100% worth it. To be honest I haven't thought about much because I don't know where to start, The agency I have looked into doing it with includes 1 week travelling and doing all different activities, 1 weeks accommodation flights and visa for £600? does that sound good? Also they will help me find a job for when I decide to depart. What sort of money will I need to even get away and keep me on? Ive heard renting an apartment with a few people will work out cheaper then staying in hostels, is this true?


Cheers guys, Matt.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm hoping to go in jan 15. I will be travelling alone too...abit undecided to go with an agency or not?


Hello Stacey lol nice name :biggrin: Do you mean a agency like ozintro etc? I haven't been on a whv yet but I think it depends on wether you want to meet people straight away and don't want to be on your own. Either way I think you would meet plenty people but I guess the advantage is straight away your with a bunch of people new to the country. I read that when you add up everything that's included you probably can't do it much cheaper anyway. Not sure how true that is though

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haha :] Like with Bunac or get australia...you pay them to take the hassle out of everything.. like flights and getting set up with work when your out there. I did camp america back in 2012 (also did that on my own) and having an agency support you takes a lot of the strain haha. But i know it will cost a lot of money to get there etc so i didnt know if it was worth paying extra expense to an agency :S x

Hello Stacey lol nice name :biggrin: Do you mean a agency like ozintro etc? I haven't been on a whv yet but I think it depends on wether you want to meet people straight away and don't want to be on your own. Either way I think you would meet plenty people but I guess the advantage is straight away your with a bunch of people new to the country. I read that when you add up everything that's included you probably can't do it much cheaper anyway. Not sure how true that is though
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haha :] Like with Bunac or get australia...you pay them to take the hassle out of everything.. like flights and getting set up with work when your out there. I did camp america back in 2012 (also did that on my own) and having an agency support you takes a lot of the strain haha. But i know it will cost a lot of money to get there etc so i didnt know if it was worth paying extra expense to an agency :S x


I hadn't ever heard of GET Australia so just checked it out and tbh it doesn't look worth it but that's just me - it might work for you :) I haven't checked out the bunac but I know they are a big name. These are the ones I was looking at a few weeks ago - http://ozintro.com/whats-included. And ultimate oz.com. I'm just not sure if they are worth it, they don't set you up with a job but they give you access to ones online and I think they might help you with your Cv

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I hadn't ever heard of GET Australia so just checked it out and tbh it doesn't look worth it but that's just me - it might work for you :) I haven't checked out the bunac but I know they are a big name. These are the ones I was looking at a few weeks ago - http://ozintro.com/whats-included. And ultimate oz.com. I'm just not sure if they are worth it, they don't set you up with a job but they give you access to ones online and I think they might help you with yourQUOTE]



Hmm i have 2 friends who are heading to oz in October they are doing it themselves.. But there's 2 of them. I have friends who live in oz but not Sydney. Lots of things to think about lol x

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Sorry i havent been on in a while. Still all of this is daunting but i know it will all be worth someone just steal and burn my car and then i am free :) just dont know weather to start saving now or not? hi stacy im in the same boat as in i dont want to go alone would be cool to know how serious you are and do it together.

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Haha looks like we have already formed a group :)

stacey I had a look at that ultimate oz...looks really good..best package so far..however, is it in aus dollars? Saying $800? Still even if that is £400 thats pretty reasonable for 7 days x

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I thank you for trying to make me feel better about the beard situation but i really want a proper one its just rubbish right now hahaa. and ouch, thats a bit of a killer, saying that in a few years time you'll appreciate it. Back to OZ, I dont think ill be ready to go when you guys are planning :(

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I thank you for trying to make me feel better about the beard situation but i really want a proper one its just rubbish right now hahaa. and ouch, thats a bit of a killer, saying that in a few years time you'll appreciate it. Back to OZ, I dont think ill be ready to go when you guys are planning :(


lol one day you'll wake up and have one, plenty time for beards haha.


Well there will still be plenty people who are going when your planning to, I wouldn't worry about it. I'm only assuming that I'll be able to go at that point, if I get sacked or anything like that then I won't be able to go at all lol

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That is very true i wish that day was just very soon haha, unfortunately it wont be. Yeah im sure there will be im getting excited thinking about it but its such a long time away. need to just get away from my car :( but its my best friend. Maybe you could delay your trip til im ready. i aint clued up for this hahaha

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I'm currently 23 .. Be 24 when I fly out :) I look about 18/19 though. I work for children's social care at the moment and everyone thinks I'm a student when in reality I have been doing the job for 5 years lol


Your the same as me then lol I'll be 24 too by the time I fly. That sounds a good job. Have you any idea where your going to visit while your over there? Where in the uk are you from :)

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