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Temporary working visa for 2 months - is this possible?


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Hi everyone


I have been looking at these forums for a while now as my family and I (myself, partner and 2 children 12,9) would love the idea of living in Australia but know that this is a huge step to take and we wouldnt want to uproot everything until we have at least visited the country!


I know it sounds completely ridiculous that we would want to move to a place that we have never been to and I myself am not even sure what the pull is with Australia - I just know that its there and like an itch that I just can not scratch. We are not disallusioned and think everything over there is perfect and we are certainly not unhappy living in the UK so not moving to get away from anything in particular rather just something new, exciting and where hopefully we can spend more quality time together as a family (that good old one eh!).


We have been trying to think of ways around this and feel that a holiday is maybe not enough time to explore and really trial a future life over there but maybe an extended holiday like when the children are on their 6 weeks holiday and adding an extra 2 weeks ontop would give us a feel of Aussie life and I am wondering if this is even possible?


We dont have the funds to just uproot for 2 months, keeping our house going over here and renting/living in Oz so my partner who is a dry liner by trade would have to sort out a place of work, obviously before going over there and again, I'm not even sure that this is possible - would anyone take on someone for just 2 months? and what about tools for his job? If we moved over there he would bring all his tools but not really sure how he would get around taking them over there for 2 months.


Can anyone share any similar experiences or have other people just taken the plunge and moved straight over there?


Thank you in advance for any advice or replies, even if they are to say that infact I am slightly mad and this is never going to happen!! :goofy:


P.S When looking online :embarrassed: at the different areas, we like the look of Brisbane and would like to trial somewhere around there (gosh, after reading this post back, even I am starting to wonder if I'm living in cloud cuckoo land!)

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We moved having never been before..like you I had an itch and no idea why..didnt even know anyone who had been to aus lol I dnt think a holiday/working holiday would have made any difference to how I felt..even 2 months is not long enough to make a decision as to whether its right or not in my opinion and ypu dont get a realistic view..due to money we felt we had to either go or not go..rather than pay out for an au holiday first. We are 7 months in and its definately been a fantastic experience for personal growth and adventure :) im not always sure im in the right place n sometimes I feel unsettled/weird/sad but its the best thing I have ever done. We dnt have kids though so you have that to consider. .I think I would still just take the plunge though..great learning and family building experience for them too. I done alot of research before we came so not had any real surprises..if i thought i wouldnt get wrk i wouldnt have come..so need to think abt that too. Good luck :)

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I have to say I knew from almost the moment I landed for a holiday in Melbourne almost 10 years ago that I wanted to live here even though it was winter. I don't know what it is but I've been very privileged to be able to travel around most of the world including the US and Africa, no other place had that pull, yeah out of this world holidays but no desire to want to live there. Strange.

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Thank you all for your replies, they were very helpful.


I now realise that moving to Australia is probably going to be a dream rather than a reality as when it comes down to it I'm really not sure I could gamble with my childrens future having not even visited the country! especially as we aren't unhappy in the UK.


I really do admire those of you that have had the courage to give it a try and see if you like it and hopefully one day we will be able to visit the country that for some strange reason is stuck in my head!


Good luck to all who are over there already or those who are planning on it and once again, thank you very much



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Can you not leave kids with grandparents perhaps for a week or two and just you both go over for a reccie? Would bring costs down and you could then do it on a much tighter budget.

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