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sol/csol list changes and state sponsorship lists opening up again.


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Hi all


We have decided we want to move to queensland and after looking on immi and posting here realised our only route was to go for a 190 visa, however, qld aren't recruiting my husbands profession and we don't want to live in any other state. Does anyone know how much the sol/csol lists change in july - would be more than happy if his job went onto sol list so we could just go for 189, or alternatively if in july states open up most jobs again? We have heard you can take other state sponsorship and just live in reality wherever but don't want to go down that route really as want to get settled and buy house etc asap. We would have gone for last remaining relative visa as all of my family live in oz but my husband still has a sister here in the uk so that scraps that idea. Anyone know how these lists work?? we are wondering whether to just wait until july or to get ball rolling now.


Thanks in advance

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The way the Queensland economy is heading (↓↓↓↓), I wouldn't be holding my breath waiting for any occupations to be added to their lists. It's far more likely that if there are any changes, it will be to remove occupations rather than add them. If your occupation is on the list for any state and if you can meet the 190 and state sponsorship requirements, you would be well advised to go for it NOW. There are many, hundreds and hundreds of sad stories around about people who could have applied for a visa and didn't only to discover to their cost that the rules changed on the next 1 July and they were no longer eligible. A cliché I know, but a bird in the hand really is worth two in the bush when it comes to meeting Australia's immigration requirements.


Although it's currently only a moral obligation to work in the sponsoring state for 2 years, IMNSHO, it's one that you should keep to and if you agree, the worst case is that you'll have to live somewhere else for 2 years. Who knows, you may love it wherever that is.

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thanks ozmaniac, the only reason I don't want to live anywhere else is we no that ultimately we want to end up in brisbane and I don't want to keep my moving my children in and out of schools, we would have a network of friend in brisbane and this is important to us as well as being accessable to all of my family in sydney. We are now looking at slightly changing husbands profession - good thing with IT is he has done a broad spectrum of things, either that or we will wait and see how the land lies in July and then decide which professional code to go for. Any advice on whether there is more or less chance of 189's getting accepted just after the new sol lists are out or towards the end of a sol list?

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I repeat, if you can meet the requirements for a 189 or 190 now, you should get an EOI in now. The way the IT industry is going with all the offshoring that's been going on, the possibility of several of the IT occupations staying on the SOL after 1 July is questionable and in Queensland,the probability is even lower that it will be on their list. I'm an employer in the Brisbane IT industry and we get literally hundreds of qualified applicants for every opening, many of whom have been out of work for extended periods.


Have you seen the list of flagged occupations?

http://www.awpa.gov.au/our-work/labour-market-information/skilled-occupation-list/Pages/Flagged-Occupations.aspx Flagged occupations - 5 IT occupations listed for possible removal as any time.

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I agree with Ozmaniac. If it is currently only on the CSOL then it has a higher chance of disapearing altogether than going on the SOL. You should also consider that while there is no direct correlation between what is on the SOL and jobs available, it is a pretty big hint!


If you want to make the move then i would apply now.

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