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Documentation for de facto visa


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Hello all,


I will apply soon for a partner visa and hope to speak to people about the type of documentation needed. For example, will they accept:


- Printed out emails?

- Electronic receipts for plane tickets? We don't have boarding passes from travels 2-3 yrs ago but we do have expedia receipts

- Digital pictures on a USB stick?

- Numerous stat decs? or is there a limited number?


We don't have any of the standard documentation like rent contract, shared accounts, bills, etc. as were living in China.


Also, someone mentioned to me that I may need to get a Chinese police check. Can anyone confirm that? Not sure how to do so ...


Many thanks!!

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Printed out emails are fine but they do not want pages and pages of them. Most people will (if they are using emails as evidence) have a few from the start of their defacto relationship, middle and then most recent. And try to choose ones that have importance (if possible).


we submitted boarding passes (electronic ones) and receipts - anything that had our names together.


i wouldn't reccomend photos on a USB - in fact I was told specifically not to send one when I asked. Select 10-15 photos (some people will say more) but I was advised photos hold little weight. In our case I submitted pictures of us on holiday for example in Poland and then I referenced that photo with receipts and hotel confirmations in our name. Then I supplied photos with friends and family. I think all up I had 15 photos from the last 18months of our relationship.


No limited number on stat secs that I am aware of. We supplied 10 from Australian residents and two from overseas residents. Australian resident stat secs hold a lot more weight. I don't think I would have sent in more than what I did - personal preference.


Do you have anything that will prove cohabitation? joint finances? My partner and I don't have joint accounts, so we referenced amounts on our personal statements to sharing of everyday expenses and larger purchases. We also live with my parents so had no lease - we had them write a stat dec detailing information on this.


You will need a police check from anywhere that you have lived more than a year. I'm on my phone at the ment but the immi website has a list of countries and info on where you need to get the police checks done.


apart from the above you mention do you have any other evidence?

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Anything that indicates travel together is good (I submitted pages of my passport and my partner's passport showing entry and exit stamps for places on the same dates) and photos are great, so are statements from friends - because this all shows that you have a genuine relationship. But once you have proved the nature of your relationship, you don't need further evidence to this end - hence not reams of e-mails, millions of photos, stacks of statements.


But they will want firm evidence that your relationship has been continuous. That tends to mean evidence that can be pinpointed to each calendar month going back 12 months - i.e. bills, rent statements, financial records. If you can't do that, you probably want to talk to a registered migration agent.

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