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NSW is not doing the right thing !!! SS Applicants out there, please RESPOND here...

Abdullah Al Mamun

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:cry:....NSW state sponsorship process has become painfully slow. As per my observation, they nominated an average of 800 applications in last Aug/Sept, now they have around 1100 applications in their hand..So, why can't they process these applications within shortest possible time. one of my friend got ack from them on 30th october, 2013, still got no response. It has been more than 12 weeks.


Do they really understand emotions of migrants? Why don't they get it that we too have to plan about our jobs, expenses, etc. Sometimes, I really cry after waking up in the night !! why would they deliberately slow the process, whereas the average processing time for QLD is two weeks, WA three weeks, VIC four weeks.......Why can't they do something to get it done...


Another fear is that If they notify the outcome is negative, after all the states take their desired number of people in or in this July'14, the occupation drops off from SOL. Already, I heard Accountants would no longer be in there as well as some Engineering professions.


Isn't it playing with people's lives....All i Want is a confirmation from them that Yes I will be nominated from them or not !!


What's going on in your mind, Guyz !! Sorry, I couldn't hold some of my emotions...thanks to POMZ, coz, I could share some worries here...Hoping to get some good responses from all the good hearted people...Please console me....:cry: :cry::cry::cry:



what's your update, Mite??

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Unfortunately they are bureaucrats with guidelines and rules to follow, they couldn't give a toss about your emotions. They have a product to sell and can be very picky about who they choose to sell it to. You may get a visa, you may not. Not much you can do about it except put an application in and get on with your life. Getting your knickers in a knot because they aren't as quick as you'd like isn't going to get you anything except perhaps an ulcer. Chill and good luck!

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I completely agree with you Abdullah. The time frames, constant changes to the process (without warning), rising costs and uncertainty regarding the future are hard on applicants and could be handled much better. Yes it's an exclusive system, there's high demand and Australia doesn't 'owe' anybody a visa, but that's no justification for the way the system is managed right now.


Good luck and hope you get a decision soon.

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..Guyz, one of the agent told me today that NSW nomination team includes only 3 people...now, only one lady is working in the department. Can you believe that?? I wish NSW could understand the urgency of people.....anyway, waiting is the only option, I have got now...in another article, i found out that capitalizing on a news published on theaustralians.com, Agents are spreading rumors about removing Accountants from SOL list, so that they can bag money out of people's fear....Its so irritating !!!:sad:...

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Agents are spreading rumors about removing Accountants from SOL list, so that they can bag money out of people's fear....Its so irritating !!!:sad:...


Is there any evidence of this?


I think if you check with the majority of agents they would generally advise people to apply as soon as possible whilst you meet the criteria because the future system and occupation lists are uncertain and change frequently. This isn't fear mongering, it's good advice!

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Someone's personal blog, referring to other unspecified personal blogs, regarding something that happened 8 months ago? Can't see how that evidences that agents are spreading rumours of accountants being taken off the SOL.


The truth is nobody knows what will and won't be on the SOL after July. There's 'flagged' occupations (accountant included), but it doesn't necessarily mean it will be taken off.

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Thanks Adam, I also hope that Accountants to be on the list next couples of years. Sometimes, I couldn't ignore some news, here find another posts by an agent itself.


However, there are strong evidences in the link articles, it won't be removed in near future. As you can see, there are evidences that every state has got some demand of the professional accountants. When people like me try to move to Australia from UK, you can imagine how stressful these news can be !!


I just hope every agent cares about the migrants, because once we take the decision to migrate its really become scary at any news.


Having Said that, I still believe NSW should be more efficient to process all the SS applications. I never seen anything like that with UKBA-Home Office's policies.


Thanks for your comments, any comments are welcome based on the below link...pls...




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Having Said that, I still believe NSW should be more efficient to process all the SS applications.


Not sure if your user name is the same as your own but I'd be thinking you'll be at the bottom of the NSW applications pile by now :wink:


You just have to patient like Adam says and "go with the flow" regardless of your frustrations.

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One Stupid Question to ask !!


As per the previous experiences, do you think NSW will process all the applications before June'14 & as per their requirements if they find all the docs along with valid assessment and ILS, still is there any chance to be rejected?? Should we seek SS to another state being in fear of occupations to be removed from SOL, i hope it doesn't happen.:sad:


Would appreciate, if ADAM Says anything on this !!



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Guest sidster

WTF are you on !!!! NSW SS can do what they want ,its their state ,its their country. as previously said being granted a visa to come and live and work here should be regarded as a privilege ,I would suggest you


learn to be a bit more patient .This is their system and they are not going to change it because your crying at night.Might i also suggest if you should be so lucky to be granted a visa in the future you might want


to have a change of attitude to the way things work here otherwise you may find the Aussies will not put up with you for long

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WTF are you on !!!! NSW SS can do what they want ,its their state ,its their country. as previously said being granted a visa to come and live and work here should be regarded as a privilege ,I would suggest you


learn to be a bit more patient .This is their system and they are not going to change it because your crying at night.Might i also suggest if you should be so lucky to be granted a visa in the future you might want


to have a change of attitude to the way things work here otherwise you may find the Aussies will not put up with you for long


ROTFL, PMSL and all those other expressions I really hate :biglaugh:


Unfortunately neither of us is ADAM so we'd better clear off before we upset the OP any further.

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You are right !!! I was just expressing my concern here for nothing...I know i have to play by their rules, & patience is the KPI of Maturity....i just couldn't wait in silent, so wanted to know about others' opinion...:wink: ............felt bit awkward with the processing time, was comparing with the UKBA..Thought,NSW is a modern state and heard 190 visa takes only 6 months to be granted.....so could'nt wait up as they ack my application end of Nov'13 & its been more than two months already !!!

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