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Qualified Social Worker looking for Social Care Work


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This is my first post on this forum and hoping to get some much needed advice. I'm getting lost in information through the internet and need to be pointed in the right direction so here goes....


I'm due to finish my degree this May and once registered I'll be a qualified social worker. I'm already aware that the AASW will not allow me to register and practice as a social worker in Oz as when I arrive this September (2014) I will not have gained enough post qualifying experience. So, I was hoping to try and gain work in a more supporting role , similar to what I do now in the UK,which is a support worker for adults with learning difficulties. I have plenty of experience in adult and children social care roles across residential settings or community work. I'm due to come over on the 12 month WHV and really need some advice on where to begin. If I am unable to secure paid work, can anyone point me in the direction of good voluntary agencies. I'm planning on heading to Sydney first then making my way to Melbourne.


Any advice, links, agencies etc would be a massive massive help!!! Many thanks in advance!!



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Guest dannii28

Hi Scarlett,


the only help I can offer us if you are planning on extending your 12 month WHV to 2 yrs do your agricultural work as soon as you land to make sure you meet the requirements. We got caught out here :mad:


also try smart jobs you will find plenty of jobs here you would be suitable for


good luck :biggrin:

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Thank you - I can't stay longer though as at the moment once qualified in the UK as a social worker you now have to do a further year of 'assisted and supported employment' in order to continue to hold your license to practice which at the moment should be completed or at least started within two years of you qualifying. That's all fine though. Ill look in to the 'agricultural work' in more detail and also look at that 'smart jobs' you mentioned too.


Many thanks for the reply!

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Hey Scarlett, I'm a social worker and also moved to Oz on a WHV (granted a partner visa afterwards). I've only worked in adult services in NSW so can't comment on much else. The aasw is a much different kettle of fish to the hcpc in that you don't have to be registered to work as a social worker here. Hell yu don't even need the degree. I don't think I consciously know anyone who's actually bothered registering with the aasw. If I were you I would def be looking for social work jobs once here.


having said that adult services here is a joke. Very few statutory services apart from mental health, acat and ADHC. There's very little on the adult protection side of things and there are no generic adults teams like you would find in the uk. Instead there are lots of charities who are brokered to provide services.


in terms of agencies I would def recommend you register with one in Sydney called ABRS Socialworks. They're part of Barnados and some of the money they make goes back into the charity. They're also very efficient - I registered on a Tuesday, met with them on Wednesday, had a job interview the following Monday and started work two days later. Another of the big players in Sydney is Reed, though I had little to do with them into the end. You should be looking at $23-30 / hour. There was an agency in Melbourne who I approached but they didn't cover sydney so I'll see if I can remember who they were....

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Scarlet!

My fiance is finishing his social work degree next year and we are planning to move to australia asp. We are just not sure about the Skills Asessment. AAWS is stating that there should be practical Placement during the degree. He is doing his Cours via open University uk and they don´t offer things like that in the courses. Is it common procedure in Britain to do that?

Any anweres are much appreciated.

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It depends on the area you work if you need to be AASW registered. In Victoria there is no requirement (or at least there wasn't a requirement when I arrived and I have been here over 4 years and still haven't registered) for child protection workers to be registered however some agencies and hospitals do ask that you meet the requirements be registered before you complete your application


Vic also accept social workers on WHV


It will depend on the area you are heading :-)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello. As part if my degree which was full time I did three placements and as far as I know, practical placements are mandatory in most of the degrees ran through universities. I would suggest your partner looks at voluntary work to enhance experience or speak or OpenUniversity direct for advice.

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