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Oil gas, rigging jobs with 457 sponsorship


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Hi and good morning to all!!!

I am looking for some kind hearted people with advice, i am trying to gain information for myself to apply for rigging jobs with a 457 business visa, I currently work in the uk in the oil and gas sector as a rigger/Deck crew, with 5 years expierence i have all uk opito relevent certs, ive noticed on job search sites that there is plenty of work in this sector but a rigger is not on the migration skilled list. My wife is currently studying ocupational therapy and will be qualified in may of this year, she will also have to apply for a 457 business visa as she does not have 2 years work expierence in this field. I am on the understanding that employment would have to be offered?. My wife has parents living in the glass house mountains area and im trying all i can to allow the family to be reunited. So I would be so grateful if any members has any names of company's or organisations to allow me to gain employment and a visa.


Thanks & Regards


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In order to be sponsored by a company, the ocupation still has to be on one of the two skilled lists. If its not there, you can not be sponsored.


The other thing to note, is that a 457 visa is a temporary visa - normally for upto 4 years. It comes with a number of restrictions including the fact that if you lose your job, you have 90 days to find another sponsor or leave the country.

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