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Emmigrating from the UK to Cairns - April 2014


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Hi there everyone - my family and I are moving to Cairns from England - currently awaiting our 457 visa to come through. We are 32, 31 and have a boy age 11 and a girl age 7. We will not know anyone whatsoever. My husband is comng over on a sponsorship with a company based in Smithfield and we are looking into renting for the first couple of years and Trinity Beach is looking like a favourite at the moment. Little worried about the humidity in Cairns but time will only tell when we get there, just hoping we can handle it! Any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated on any experience of Cairns, areas to live in, schooling etc. many thanks.

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Hi there! Welcome to poms. I'm currently living in Cairns with my partner. I'm 22. Pauls in his 30's. We moved here in November. Paul's working away at the moment and i can't look for work for another week or so, so i'm not going to be much help on the job front or house front as we're still in hotel type accommodation.


Hoping once i get a job and Paul comes back we can get our own place and settle into a 'normal' routine. I don't have my drivers license either which doesn't help. I know another lady from the forum who i've met up with but apart from that i know absolutely no one either. Can't even get out and about until i get a job and have some money!


Trinity beach is lovely! Once i get my license we'll be moving out of the city a bit.


As far as the humidity goes, it IS hot, but you will acclimatise some what. I wouldn't say fully though, don't think anyone ever gets fully used to it, even the locals lol.


Can't help with regards to schooling, in fact i can't really help with a lot, still discovering things myself! Just wanted to give you a shout as we live in Cairns too.


Cairns is lovely though, well we think so anyway, it's not too big, but there's enough going on for it to be lively, lots of shops and cafes and the nightlife isn't bad either! Loads of nice places to expore nearby.

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Hi BritChickx - thank you for your reply. I think we have decided on Trinity Beach. I will be in the same position as you really with regards to being on my own a bit (well I will have my children) as my hubby's job in based in smithfield but they have offices in darwin townsville and so he will be working away a lot to start with. I do have a driving licence but I wont have a car to start with.


I am feeling very anxious about the whole move but that aside I am definitely excited about the whole new chapter in our lives and hopefully a better quality of life for us and the kids.


I think I will just have to come to terms with my hair been frizzy for life haha

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Guest The Pom Queen
Hi BritChickx - thank you for your reply. I think we have decided on Trinity Beach. I will be in the same position as you really with regards to being on my own a bit (well I will have my children) as my hubby's job in based in smithfield but they have offices in darwin townsville and so he will be working away a lot to start with. I do have a driving licence but I wont have a car to start with.


I am feeling very anxious about the whole move but that aside I am definitely excited about the whole new chapter in our lives and hopefully a better quality of life for us and the kids.


I think I will just have to come to terms with my hair been frizzy for life haha

We came up from Melbourne and I was worried how my three children would settle but they love it here, in fact my eldest went back down to Melbourne for 2 weeks to see his old school friends and said he definitely prefers here to there. The kids will make lots of friends, I've a 12 yr old so if your son needs company give me a shout. Mine does quite a few after school activities, although he has cut back a bit now as it use to be scouts, karate, rock and mineral club every night of the week. His friends are in to tennis, swimming (you have the big leisure centre at Smithfield) soccer, Futsal etc, there is plenty to keep them busy.

I know in the last thread we were talking about flood zones take a look here http://www.cairns.qld.gov.au/cyclone-emergency-information/evacuation/northern-beaches. If you are unsure of anywhere give me a shout, our first cyclone was Yasi the big cat 5 so we saw where floods. We love it here and as long as you have work it really is paradise.

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Hi BritChickx - thank you for your reply. I think we have decided on Trinity Beach. I will be in the same position as you really with regards to being on my own a bit (well I will have my children) as my hubby's job in based in smithfield but they have offices in darwin townsville and so he will be working away a lot to start with. I do have a driving licence but I wont have a car to start with.


I am feeling very anxious about the whole move but that aside I am definitely excited about the whole new chapter in our lives and hopefully a better quality of life for us and the kids.


I think I will just have to come to terms with my hair been frizzy for life haha

It'll be okay. Poms will help, definitely. Don't even go there with looking decent....i've given up wearing make up, i just sweat it off!

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hi the pom queen - that would be great my son will be 12 in june. He will defo be into lots of afterschool activities he is a very keen rugby player so we have been in touch with the local rugby teams too. I am sure they will settle fine i am a worrier though so anything I can worry about I will. Thank you for the info on the floods going to take a closer look at that now.


It does look beautiful in cairns i cant wait until we get there and start our new life.


I am hoping to get work out there too but not until we are all settled.

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Guest The Pom Queen
hi the pom queen - that would be great my son will be 12 in june. He will defo be into lots of afterschool activities he is a very keen rugby player so we have been in touch with the local rugby teams too. I am sure they will settle fine i am a worrier though so anything I can worry about I will. Thank you for the info on the floods going to take a closer look at that now.


It does look beautiful in cairns i cant wait until we get there and start our new life.


I am hoping to get work out there too but not until we are all settled.

My eldest two live at trinity and love it out there so I'm sure you will be fine. Shame your son won't be at the same school as mine they could have been buddies.

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