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Help needed 457 to pr


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Hi hope someone can help. Been living in Melbourne and working for over 2 years. When asked employer re helping with pr they said no as I was not full time. I am now 46. I am a midwife. I am getting different info from colleagues. Does anyone have any info. Thanks

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Part of the 457 conditions are that you are employed full time! You should make sure you are meeting your visa conditions ASAP. Immigration and the tax office are linked now so they can check that you are earning the full time wage as agreed when you were sponsored.

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An employer has no obligation whatsoever to help you with PR - the fact they may have sponsored others doesn't mean they will sponsor you. I am actually surprised you can work part-time on a 457 - I couldn't as it took my salary below the minimum wage for my profession.


The skilled independent visa route has changed since we applied so I'm not fully across the detail now but the good news is you can now apply up to 50 so I would think you do have a route to PR.

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I came as full time then discussed with HR who said yes I could do 32 hours per week , still was above min salary threshold.

Double check that with a MARA agent. They have to give copies of your contract etc for immigration to agree to your sponsorship. You have changed those conditions which as far as I know isn't allowed without immigrations permission.

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