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Cheating partner in De Facto relationship

paris hipon

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hi guys I would like some advice. I am a permanent resident here and a few days ago my partner lied to me he said he has contract job overseas but actually he went to thailand and had some fun. I think he slept with like prostitutes there or something. I saw a lot of condoms in his bag and breakfast coupons of the hotel he checked in. I had a feeling he is doing something since 4 months ago I got curious and checked his dashboard in the car and found a box of old condoms there, 3 pcs were missing I ignored it cuz I thought maybe he had it longtime ago even before we even met. but 3 weeks ago I checked the glovebox again and foudn a new box of condom there! 2 pcs were missing one was in his wallet and God knows where is the other one.


Weve been living together for 11 months now but he applied the de facto visa just 6 months ago. I dont have sex with him cuz im a christian and I want to do it only after marriage. He is beginning to be very blatant about his lies and he thinks im stupid and will not discover about this. I am planning to pack my bags and leave him this week. Anyone knows how do I cancel his de facto visa? My friend actually advised me from the start that he might just be interested to get the visa thats why he made a relationship with me. Im happy I found out about this soon if not I will have waste more of my time with him. He still has his student visa also now valid for 3 more months so i was thinking to cancel his de facto visa and he will just return having a student visa.


I certainly dont want this to happen to any girl again making relationship with them just to get a visa! I want to teach him a lesson!

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thanks guys. I will definitely do that. Only 1 thing that scares me is cuz im alone here I dont know much people I have no relatives here, so im scared if I cancel the de facto visa he might get back at me or sumthin. But I have to do this cuz hes a bad arsewhole! I will be moving out of the house also while hes at work so he cant stop me

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