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AQF111 in stone masonry

Sharon taylor

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so ive established that we need to convert time served skills into an Australia equivalent qualification (AQF 111) ive searched here but the post all seem to be quite old, anyone have any idea who will assess stone masons here in the UK, i can find Australian companies via google but none here in the uk

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  • 2 weeks later...

In case there are any other stonemasons out there that need to be assessed to get your AQF, I found a great guy called "Wez" from skilling australia, they can assess lots of trades including stonemasons, they have an office here in the UK, here is a link to their company, http://www.skillingaustralia.com/, hope this is of some use as it took me ages to find especially after being told you cant get an AQF111 in stonemasonry here in the UK, anyway ill post updates to how we get on. :smile:

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Sharon I'm trying to find out some information on migrating as a stonemason myself and have found it really difficult. It's for my husband and I'm really trying to sell him the idea but he has his own business and with the info so lacking it what it would be like for him in Oz I'm finding it difficult! Thanks for the above info :)

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Hi all,


When we did the skills assessment had trouble as other half is a surgical shoemaker and there was no where in the UK to do the AQF III. So I contacted training providers in Oz and he did the course via email and a large amount of assessments which were sent over for verification.


So I would advise the same for you guys as you are unlike to find somewhere in the UK. Cost was $5000.

Good luck


Tina x

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