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Guest Guest66881

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Guest Guest66881

A trio of 'distressed' hippos are being forced to entertain audiences in Eastern Europe, dancing the conga and climbing ladders.

The three seven-year-old females are top billing at a new show put on by the Belarusian State Circus in the former Soviet republic's capital, Minsk.

Minsk's sub-zero temperatures are a far cry from the warm rivers of the hippo's native Africa.






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Guest Guest66881

I only hope that one day the worlds most dangerous animal turns and destroys the bastards - sorry for swearing but i hate animal cruelty:mad:

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Indicative of the culture. Its what they want to watch in that part of the world. They need educating. Not so long ago that kind of thing went on in the UK and other enlightened countries. Animals have been exploited since the dawn of time for humans use. Wild animals belong on plains and in deserts not inzoos and circuses. Spend money and skill sustaining their natural habitat

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