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Moving to Sydney - What should I bring?

Captain Zeb

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Hi all,


My wife and I are moving to Sydney in May. We currently live in New York (I am a Pom though!). In researching prices in Sydney I seem to find that virtually everything is cheaper in New York (electronics, furniture, bed linen etc). Is there anything we shouldn't ship over? Are there things that you have wished you had or hadn't brought over when you moved?


Be good to get an understanding of any do's or dont's regarding this. At the moment I'm thinking we would ship absolutely everything and buy as much as we can in advance (second TV, extra bed linen etc). As we currently live in a 1 bed apartment and would probable be moving to a 3/4 bedroom house I don't think space will be an issue and we will need the extra furnishings. Also, my company is paying for moving costs so the cost of shipping isn't a concern.


Many thanks in advance,


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Everyone says take your cell phone

Hi all,


My wife and I are moving to Sydney in May. We currently live in New York (I am a Pom though!). In researching prices in Sydney I seem to find that virtually everything is cheaper in New York (electronics, furniture, bed linen etc). Is there anything we shouldn't ship over? Are there things that you have wished you had or hadn't brought over when you moved?


Be good to get an understanding of any do's or dont's regarding this. At the moment I'm thinking we would ship absolutely everything and buy as much as we can in advance (second TV, extra bed linen etc). As we currently live in a 1 bed apartment and would probable be moving to a 3/4 bedroom house I don't think space will be an issue and we will need the extra furnishings. Also, my company is paying for moving costs so the cost of shipping isn't a concern.


Many thanks in advance,


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We will be moving from Canada and we face the same dillema. Everything here is a bit cheaper and although we will pay for shipment I think that it is worth it. I do not think we will take the big appliances but we are considering talking everything else.There are a lot of treads on here to read through but it is difficult to compare moving from UK and moving from North America. An advise from people who did such move will be really helpful.

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Hi guys!


If you don't mind the issue of having many converters around your flat/house for all your electro domestics, then you can bring them. :)

We didn't bring a lot of them, but we have a variety from UK, US and EU! Some we wish we had left behind as we realised here (at least for us) is not so expensive; plus one can always sell them if decide to move or something happens.


We decided to bring no furniture with exception of one computer desk (to put our lap top and printer), small appliances/electro domestics (including a TV), clothing (after having donated lots to charity), books, bed linen, towels and very personal items. We sold or gave away what we were not going to bring, and our family and couple of friends are kindly keeping few things we couldn't bring and didn't want to give away.


Now, not sure if this may affect your decision, but we had a couple of situations that helped make ours.

A) We only had two months to move (three weeks of those I was abroad): my husband got offered a job, few days later I was on a plane, visa was approved literally from one day to another while I was still abroad so we had bit more than a month to go. After I came back we had to sort shipping, moving, flights, etc.

B) My husband's company paid for full accommodation for a certain time when we arrived, which was a crucial factor on our decision of bringing things or not. It gave us time to buy furniture and appliances here while looking for a place to live too.

Therefore, If you have the time to think this throughly and if you will have a place to stay and give you time to acclimatise to your new life then I would suggest to maybe check costs and double check if you will really need to take all with you and what you really need.


Sometime we need to think with cold heads.


Hope this helps and good luck!

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Thank you for the post Carlagrif :)

We are thinking of shipping furniture, small appliances and personal belongings mainly but still unsure how well will they fit as we really do not have an idea what are the rentals like. For example, I do not know if king size bed or US size washer & dryer will fit most of the apartment rentals. The chances are that we will be renting an apartment, as we do not have small kids and we do not have to settle in a certain area and stick with it because of school etc. At the same time I am so used to my nice, big house here and I will miss it a bit but I am trying to be realistic.

Also, we have good quality snwoboard equipment and it might sound crazy, but we consider taking it with us. Is it really worth it?

So many questions and lots to be done!

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