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Education on a 489 Visa


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I wonder whether anyone can help me we have just been granted our 489 Visa and looking for schools and colleges for our children and want to know if on a 489 Visa my 13 year old son can go to any school he wishes in South Australia and also if my 17 daughter can go to TAFE to do a course she wants to do??


The reason I am asking this questions is we were originally going to Western Australia on a 489 but hubbys job came off skills list so we are now going to SA but have friends we met on forums in WA now and she has told me there are alot of pitfalls on the 489 visa when it comes to schooling her children cannot go to the private schools there and her son cannot do an apprenticeship on 489 and her daughter cannot go to TAFE there either. So I just wanted some clarification for South Austrialia please!!



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Whatever applies in WA is likely to apply in SA except for the 457 differences where fees are paid for yrs K-12 in some but not all states. However, I'm not sure that the advice is correct in some instances. It'd be a rare private school that turned anyone down if they could pay the fees. Apprenticeships - yes, possibly restricted as PR or citizenship are usually required. TAFE would apply international fees and you would have to attend TAFE in the regional area designated. At 17 your daughter might not have the qualifications for TAFE entry however.

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