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De facto and bridging visa worries


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My name is Leon hopefully you guys and girls can help us.



Ihave been in a relationship with Alex my partner for 4 months and weare waiting for one last document to register our relationship (itcould take up to 3 weeks) and then we will be able to apply for apartner visa.

Myworking holiday visa will expire in 6 months and we should be able togather all the information required for the De Facto visa.



Ourmain concern is the following; we are unsure of how long it will taketo gather all the relevant documents in order to launch theapplication for a partner visa. Do you think it would be wise if Ixcomplete 3 months of agricultural work to extend my stay in Australiain case something goes wrong after lodging the De Facto application ?

Weare too afraid that in spite of lodging the application, I might bedenied a bridging Visa.




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As long as there isn't a "no further stay" condition on your whv then you should have no issues being issued a bridging visa a once your whv expires. Will you have enough evidence to support your defacto application?

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From the fact that you have only been together 4 months, yes it would be advisable to do the 3 months of regional work - then apply for Partner visa once you can prove more defacto evidence.


Registering your relationship can waiver the 12 month relationship requirement but you still need to prove that your relationship is genuine and continuing. If you are not going to do the regional work it would be better to wait until nearer the end of you WHV before lodging the application. Being close to the12 months will be better for a successful outcome.


Once you apply onshore you will automatically be given a bridging visa which will sit in the background until your original visa expires.

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