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Sons passport expired


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We have just found out that we need a passport for my partners son, he is a non migrating dependant so didn't think we needed one. His passport ran out in July last year. We tried to fill out the application form and it would not accept a date earlier than today's date for expiry.


Can we put today's date in and amend this later and send off for this ASAP, or would we need to use the premium service to get this passport before we lodge the application? We have to submit by the end of the week?



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Thanks verystormy


No I didn't realise this but the form won't allow me to skip the passport details part. Yes that's what we were thinking we would need to get an a passport on the day, we were hoping it wouldn't be the case as we are some distance from our nearest passport office and thought somebody might have had this happen to them. O well looks like a little road trip for us today

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