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Whv visa + tips for before travel


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Hi, I have decided in my 29th year if life to take a trip of a life time and backpack oz. I am currently sorting my visa out. How long do they take to come throug? (Internet application)

im looking for any tips before travel like eat place to land, money, m first week out there any advice really. I'm going on my own as an older traveller how easy will it be to make friends? Any hints, tips and advice will be greatly appreciated.

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Apply for a norwich and Peterborough account then you get free withdrawals over here and open up a new Aussie bank account online ready for wages when you get here. Airbnb is great and we have used it several times but you won't meet people so do a week or two in a hostel at the start.

Don't be afraid to just speak to people, see if anyone wants to go sightseeing or for a drink with you. Lots will be on their own and will join you.

The more you save now, the less desperate a job will be when you get here, giving you more breathing space.

Don't bother with one of those starter pack things, you can sort it all out for yourself. Getting a hostel with wifi to start is handy to let everyone know you got here ok, apply for TFN and google maps for Medicare etc.

Give yourself a loose itinery for when you arrive,expect a day or two for jet lag though, to give yourself purpose in the first few days and avoid feeling overwhelmed. I.e day 2 apply for TFN online, go register for medi care, day 3 see X,Y and Z sights and buy simcard. Then you find your feet and can go with the flow.

Sort out your CV and get your phone unlocked before you come so you can hit the ground running.

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what wdnt I give to be 29 again lol I had a long holiday last year

I met loads of people all lovely and am now trying to sort a skilled independent visa

I saw Sydney, Adelaide, Coober Pedy, Alice Springs, Darwin, Kakadu, Cairns, Brisbane, Lightning Ridge and back to Sydney

I envy you doing it at leisure and time to take in the view

I did the independent trip and had a ball many many good memories


Meeting people is easy and if you do any organised tours try the smaller ones, far more informal and easier to make friends. as for paying for it all I can say is save save save you can be more choosy with the jobs you take too, but you'll know that already :biggrin:

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brilliant advice guys thanks. The more and more I read things and hear from other travellers the more I am getting excited. My visa application has been submitted so just waiting to hear back from them. if anyone has any advice on where to Land as I am going to have to find A fruit picking job to get my second year visa would great. Just busy save, save saving. :biggrin:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, My visa got accepted within 9 days of appying for it. I did have to have an xray as I had spent over 3months in Africa so they had to check that I didnt have TB. I plan to travel out on sept 6th! lucky for me I have a friend out there who is trying to arrange my 3month regional work so I can do that asap and get my 2nd year visa. Really looking forward to it! My plan is to do melbourne, perth and maybe Taz in the first year then travel up north to Cairns and Darwin for my second year! really want to get the true Oz experience.

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Mine got accepted within an hour of applying! Can't believe it was so quick! I'm going to Thailand and Asia in November then heading to Perth in December. Staying with a friend for a couple of months and then looking for work. I'll be moving anywhere where the work is. Then once I've completed my 3 months I'm gonna hit the road. I'm so excited too! Where are you from?

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Hi I'm 28 and also have whv granted and would also be travelling alone, however I can't decide whether to go for it as I have been working at same company for 12 years as a truck paint sprayer and personally don't think giving this up for one year in oz would be worth it, so if I do go I would be seeking sponsorship straight away then that would be worth it. I'm ready to go got the visa and have saved more than enough, if only there was an easy answer

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Hi I'm 28 and also have whv granted and would also be travelling alone, however I can't decide whether to go for it as I have been working at same company for 12 years as a truck paint sprayer and personally don't think giving this up for one year in oz would be worth it, so if I do go I would be seeking sponsorship straight away then that would be worth it. I'm ready to go got the visa and have saved more than enough, if only there was an easy answer


Can you get a sabbatical from work? Since you been working their 12 years maybe ask your boss if you can take a 12 month trip To Oz and if your job would still be their if you came back? Im sure they would be able to work something out since been their a long time.

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I agree with everything that has already been said. You can actually open up a bank account online with ANZ before you actually arrive in Australia. Once you arrive, all you need to do is go into your selected local branch and show your passport and they will give you your bank card. So atleast you will be prepared for earning money :)


Australia is beautiful and full of all different kinds of backpackers and locals. You will surely meet some characters on your travels so no problem there! Plenty of people are in the same position and looking for like minded people to hang with on their trip.


I would defo save as much as you can to tie you over until you find a job. We found jobs through gumtree and seek.com.au


Bare in mind that some employers see the 6 month work restriction off putting as they would prefer to invest putting training in a long term employee rather than just for 6 months. However, my fiance got a job within the first week working in a call centre for $25ph. The hours werent great but it was good money and i think call centre jobs are easy to come across. You can also try different recruitment agencies too :)

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I'm lucky that I have a friend in Melbourne at the moment who is getting in touch with the company she did her regional work for and arranging hopefully a job for me when I arrive so I can get my visa extended straight away. I'm really wanting to slowly move up north and make that my home until I have to come back to the UK.

To posy I was 27 when I decided to give my job up at a company I had worked for, for 6 years and travelled to Africa (Swaziland ) to see whether I would want to make a life there! Unfortunately it wasn't for me after 6 months and was lucky as my old company gave me my job back. Never regretted going!

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