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What's a girl to do !


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Hi everyone !

Havant been on here for a while and thought I must get back on here.

would like to wish everyone a new yr!



well fingers crossed for me new yr new start and all that.



abit about my situation I'm 30 and have been what you call a bit of a bouncing pom over there years. Mostly due to my parents work and family commitments. So perth has always been a second home for me.

love everything about there lifestyle apart from the obvious being torn with family in both parts of the world.



where is my life taking me at the moment!

I have been with my fiancé for 10 yrs and over the years he has spent time with me in oz maximum 5months in one go.

which he enjoyed but due to personal reason we had to return.

three years ok myself got made redundant and decided to take a good job opportunity in perth so we spent six months apart, which was fine thanks to the world of Skype.



The difficult part came when I wanted to stay and get my citizen ship, as I'm currently on a permeant resident visa and settle.

My partner didn't want to come out at the time as he was happy with his work so we decided I would return and we would give it three years. Then look at it again.



Well the three years has come round and we have decided to get the ball rolling with applying for the partner/ spouse visa.



i got to say I still am the driving force behind it ekkk ! But I just don't feel the uk is offering us enough for me to let my Australian permanent visa expire, as I know how lucky I am that I have had it extend over the years.



What's the best way to go about sorting the visa out! Should I fill it out ASAP here uk and get police check, medicals sent all at the same time. Evidence letter of us being together so they have it all there.

or as I'm going ahead in the next couple of months, get him to come out on a holiday visa and apply onshore. I know he won't be able to work until visa comes through.

What would you guys recommend.



sometimes I feel am I being selfish in not wanting to let my permanent residency expire as I know how lucky I am to have it. I tell my fiancé what's five years out of our life.

when I've been back three years already.

His very much the type of person anything for any easy life. But I don't believe you get anything in life without sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone.

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So really if you moved to Oz with your OH on a holiday visa,you would have to support him until he got the visa onshore?How long does that take?I think I'd go for the spousal (if he's entitled to one)first.As long as you meet the criteria,he passes the medical and so on,it should'nt take two years!!:cute:

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